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    Crispin Hollings (1961–2022)

    Longtime Castro neighborhood resident and community leader Crispin Hollings died unexpected on Thursday, November 10. An outpouring of sadness and acknowledgements of his volunteer work with LGBTQ+ community organizations followed from friends and colleagues at organizations including the Castro Country Club, Sundance Saloon, Castro/Upper Market Community Benefit District, and others.

    The Alice B. Toklas LGBTQ Democratic Club issued this statement:

    “Crispin Hollings was a champion for equality, a relentless advocate for his beloved Castro neighborhood, and a longtime friend and leader on the Alice B. Toklas LGBTQ Democratic Club’s Board of Directors. We are devastated, grieving, and reflecting on his quiet joy and kind soul.

    We remember Crispin for his activism through LGBTQ orgs since the 1970s and the progress he made through organizations such as the Eureka Valley Neighborhood Association, Castro CBD, and Castro Country Club. As a member of “United at United” in the 1990s, a gay airline employee group, he was credited for testifying against his employer on behalf of the city, and forcing United Airlines to offer domestic partner benefits in 1999. His financial expertise has served our City, our Club, and the community. But perhaps his greatest impact was on the lives of those around him, in and out of our Club. From Folsom to Castro, his loss will be felt by many in our community. Our hearts are with his family and loved ones.

    To our Treasurer and friend, you will be missed.”

    Rink knew Hollings for many years and recalls their conversations concerning Harvey Milk, issues affecting the city and the LGBTQ community, the history of the Alice Club, and much more.

    “There was a big surprise from many of Crispin’s contacts when they saw him smiling in a red dress on Castro Street in one of my San Francisco Bay Times photographs (of him),” Rink said. “They had thought that he was too butch to join that Annual Red Dress Tour. His fine sense of humor propelled him to do it, and not taking himself too seriously. He will be missed.”

    Originally from Alexandria, Virginia, Hollings earned master’s degrees from the University of Virginia and the University of California, Berkeley. His varied career interests included airline mechanics, civil service, law enforcement, and finance. He served as Chief Financial Officer of the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department from 2016 until his death. He is survived by his husband, Luis Hollings Casillas.

    Rink Remembers
    Published on November 16, 2022