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    Dancer and Recording Artist Gypsy Love to Debut New Song and Music Video at Midnight Sun on June 11

    Former San Francisco Bay Times Astrologer and talented singer, songwriter, and dancer Gypsy Love is back on stage, giving us more reason to celebrate this Pride Month! She is one of the kindest and most passionate allies of the LGBTQ community. A Bay Area resident, GL took a bit of time off due to being a new mom and as a result of the pandemic, but recently she has been busy working on her latest song and music video, which will soon debut this Pride Month.

    San Francisco Bay Times: It has been a few years since we’ve seen you perform on the Main Stage at San Francisco Pride. How have you been dealing with the pandemic and how has it impacted your music career?

    Gypsy Love: Well, in the beginning, I pretty much wanted to crawl into bed and hide under my covers until Covid was over. Clearly that wasn’t an option for many reasons. Mostly, because I have a toddler now. Ilana counts on me to create a home that feels peaceful and safe. So, love has been my lifeline. I try to shift my focus from fear to love by cooking, having pajama dance-offs with my family, making art, and doing my best to foster joyful feelings. All artists are navigating recovery from COVID-19’s impacts, but I predict a renaissance as nightclubs, theaters, and studios reopen. The world craves connection now. So, let’s dance!

    San Francisco Bay Times: Tell us about your new single. What inspired it, and how long has it been in the works?

    Gypsy Love: I wrote Loving You Is All I Do in the summer of 2020. COVID-19 was raging, with no vaccine in sight, and lockdown was taking its toll. Dance always transforms the mood, and sometimes Ilana and I like to twirl up and down our hallway at home. Twirling is one of our favorite pick-me-ups. I highly recommend it! Soon my heart filled with gratitude that, despite circumstances, I was here with my beloved daughter sharing this free and happy moment. Mid-twirl, the melody and lyrics just spilled out.

    San Francisco Bay Times: Where can we enjoy the premiere of the song and video, and watch you perform it?

    Gypsy Love: Please join us Saturday, June 11, from 7–9 pm at Midnight Sun (4067 18th Street, SF) to celebrate the single debut, music video premiere, and live performance. Admission is free!

    San Francisco Bay Times: Will there be remixes of your original song, and where can fans sample them?

    Gypsy Love: Definitely! A superb remix collection is available at digital retailers like iTunes and Amazon. I’m deeply honored to collaborate with so many Billboard chart toppers, like: Leo Frappier (LFB, House of Frappier), Dirty Disco and Matt Consola (Swishcraft Music), Tweaka Turner (House of Pride), and DJ Paul Goodyear (SanFranDisko). Also visit iTunes to check out our Dirty Disco and Matt Consola remix in the Swishcraft Pride 2022 Compilation – The Love Yourself Edition!

    San Francisco Bay Times: Can you share a secret about making the music video that would intrigue our readers?

    Gypsy Love: Hmmm, what always blows my mind about music videos is the beauty that lives behind-the-scenes. For every second of footage, there’s an entire brigade of dedicated magic makers. For this video, we shot 6 different scenes in one day, including green screen and on-location. That’s impossible without a stellar team. Huge shout-out to our dancers, cast, crew, and masterful producer Simon Stewart at Spitfire Official. Many hands make love work!

    San Francisco Bay Times: How has the LGBTQ+ community been a part of your music career?

    Gypsy Love: I was born in San Francisco, and the LGBTQ+ community has always been home for me. It’s where I cultivated my artistic voice and dearest friendships. Years performing at local venues like Café Flore, the Lookout, The EndUp, and San Francisco and Oakland Pride Main Stages have shaped my artistry. I was part of Mama Garza’s “House of Garza,” and believe me, I’ve learned more about stage presence from drag queens than from anyone else on earth. Most of all, the LGBTQ+ community represents values that drive me, like diversity, acceptance, activism, and, of course, love.

    San Francisco Bay Times: Love seems to be the theme in all of your music. This year’s SF Pride theme is “Love will keep us together.” How is your new song relevant for 2022?

    Gypsy Love: Love is my muse! An upbeat song and dance combo is like an incantation. I want people to feel good and know they’re loved. I started Gypsy Love Productions with a mission to inspire love and unity through uplifting music and movement. Now, amid pandemic fallout, political unrest, and a dire need for connection, love is more important than ever. I do believe it will keep us together. Love is always the answer.

    San Francisco Bay Times:  Thank you, Gypsy, and good luck with the premier on June 11, 7–9 pm at Midnight Sun!

    For more about Gypsy Love, visit: