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    DJ Lamont Introduces Innovative New Card Game ‘Kumbu Kumbu’

    Renowned San Francisco DJ, educator, and photographer DJ Lamont has created a new card game! He writes: “A camera has always accompanied me, as far back as I can remember, throughout my journey in life. Rather disposable, point n shoot, film, digital single lens reflect, or cellphone camera; I often see our world through a lens even if my camera is left at home. My first attempts with shooting with a 35 mm film camera when I was a teenager were challenging and disappointing. I had the eye and the vision that connected me with my subjects, but many of my photos were developed back blank; over or under exposed. After years of practice I am able to technically capture what I see using which every method I use. ​

    Kumbu Kumbu is a near and dear artistic project. I recreated the concentration game with a rich fondness and passion for my images and the matching card game. As a child I played the matching card game religiously while in my early years of education. As a child with a learning disability/dyslexia learning in a formal academic environment left me [with the] feeling of being confused, disconnected, and stupid. My special education teachers introduced the concentration game at 7 years of age and I mastered it. To this day I have a keen visual memory. The concentration game was the most important educational tool that I excelled in which gave me the confidence and self-esteem to want to keep learning in my primary subjects. The memory card game shaved me!”

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