Here at the Bay Times, we had been planning to do a DJ special feature for quite a while, so we were slightly miffed that the San Francisco Chronicle beat us to the punch with an impressive spread on DJ Page Hodel by respected journalist Meredith May (see the piece at www.sfgate.com/music/article/Pioneer-female-DJ-Page-Hodel-has-marched-to-her-5341381.php). But that minor shock quickly turned to happiness, as Page more than deserves the
From Bay Times co-publisher and “Betty’s List” founder Dr. Betty Sullivan: “For many women, and men too, in the Bay Area’s LGBT community, there’s no memory of a time when DJ Page Hodel wasn’t there – wasn’t spinning and smiling and bringing the desire to dance into our lives. Who can recall when there was no Page Hodel at the controls, spinning, smiling and shaking the groove thing of everyone in her presence?”
DJ Lamont
Sullivan continued, “Page Hodel is a genuinely kind person. She’s always tried to please her audience, and that’s no small task, given the diversity of the many events where she’s been in the control room. Making sound happen and doing so with a smile and unmatched enthusiasm for her assignment – that’s what one might say about DJ Page Hodel.”
“In addition to the gigs she herself has sponsored, DJ Page Hodel has served as mixtress of song for many benefit events in the Bay Area’s LGBT community. Name the cause, and she has probably served as DJ for a benefit event addressing it.”
“DJ Page Hodel is generous, thoughtful and caring. She is a huge asset toward the success of any event she is involved in,” Sullivan added. “I can no longer count on my fingers and toes the times I’ve moved on a dance floor with Page nearby in the control booth.”
“Sometimes, when I had no one to dance with, I danced anyway with DJ Page Hodel in mind as my dance partner. When I mentioned that once, she smiled and said, ‘Of course I’ll dance with you!’ and indeed she did. She put her hands up and danced back at me from the control booth, smiled and even maneuvered out on the dance floor from time to time – always with one eye on the turn table and ready to head back and fix it if anything needed her attention.”
To contact DJ Page Hodel, email
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