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    Donna’s Chronicles, “July 26th’s Divas & Drinks at The Academy…”

    By Donna Sachet–

    July 26th’s Divas & Drinks at The Academy, the San Francisco Bay Times monthly party, celebrated the unqualified success of SF Pride with honors going to Executive Director Suzanne Ford and President of the Board Nguyen Pham. The Pride Band and CHEER SF were on hand to lead the festivities, later joined by State Senator Scott Wiener, City Supervisor Matt Dorsey, and Mayor London Breed, all with certificates of honor in hand. The Mayor even somehow surprised Jennifer Viegas with birthday greetings! The crowd was full of people who had participated in the Bay Times contingent in the SF Pride Parade, so we called them out for recognition. Suzanne and Nguyen presented Dr. Marcy Adelman with a rainbow flag to replace one she cherished but lost in a recent home fire. Of course, there were door prizes galore and several happy attendees collected them. Everyone left with a colorful waist bag provided by Presenting Sponsor Comcast. And music from dynamic Tory Teasley and DJ Christie James rounded out the celebration.

    In addition to the formal program, the evening was full of conversation about the Paris Olympics and the dramatic turns of events pertaining to the upcoming presidential election. The Academy arranged to have the Paris ceremonies streamed in the East Wing throughout the night and several Olympic fans popped in and out for viewings. Leslie Katz and Adriana Arvizo from Equality California gave us an update on the organization’s work and the excitement that the Kamala Harris presidential bid is generating. No doubt political conversations continued well into the night there and throughout the city.

    The next Saturday, we started at an Empress Show at Midnight Sun, hosted by Absolute Empress XXXIII Alexis Miranda. These shows are not as frequent as they once were, so it was a special treat to entertain the lively crowd with our Sister Empresses Galilea, Pollo del Mar, and Ehra Amaya. One was reminded of just how very many ways there are to be an Empress of San Francisco, each delivering crowd-pleasing performances and eliciting wonderful memories of their years.

    After a dash home to check on our loyal puppy Peanut and a quick costume change, we returned to the very same bar (something we rarely do in the same day) for Gary Virginia’s monthly All The Tea disco tea dance and party. The place had been transformed with lower lighting, no videos, VIP front seating, and hot go-go dancers atop the bar. A highly anticipated balloon drop was the highlight of the festivities.

    Throughout the month of July, we enjoyed enthusiastic crowds at Club Fugazi in North Beach for Sunday’s a Drag, offering shows every Sunday in July, August, and September at noon, with brunch starting at 11 am. Having hosted Sunday’s a Drag at Harry Denton’s Starlight Room for nearly 15 years, until it abruptly ended with the COVID-19 epidemic and subsequent city shutdown, we had little hope that this popular event would ever happen again.

    As San Francisco began to reopen its doors, we had explored opportunities at other downtown upscale hotels, but to no avail. Then, over dinner one night in early 2023, Patrick Rylee dangled the possibility of Club Fugazi in front of us. How could we miss this chance? After a few calls with original cast members and some meetings with David Dower and others at the club, the deal was set. Last year, we staged 6 shows—4 in August and a couple of holiday-themed shows—all with great success. So, this year we launched our Summer Series, July through September. With such a beautiful venue and capable technical support, we have been able to fashion a fabulous unique show, featuring some of the best drag talent in San Francisco and saluting the long and influential history of drag here. As we wrote previously, audiences have been enthusiastic; so don’t miss out on the remaining performances in August and September. We’d love to see you there and we know you’ll have a great time. For some hints at what we offer, find the photo journal of July shows elsewhere in this publication and get your tickets now!

    Finally, without weighing in specifically on Voting Day in November, we encourage you to gather as much information from a variety of sources so that you can be the informed and thoughtful voter on which this democracy stands. Don’t forget, we have local offices and proposals on the ballot, including for mayor of San Francisco; statewide races, including for governor of California; and numerous federal options, including the all-important race for president of the United States.

    To those who say they are not political, we say that sitting on the sidelines is a political act and not a good one. The world over, individuals fight for the privilege to vote in free elections, cherishing their active participation in their government. Too many in the United States either fail to register to vote or simply fail to use that right. Don’t be a bystander! Educate yourself through the press, the internet, and in conversations with others, and then find your polling location or mail your ballot in with pride. This grand experiment we call American democracy only works if we all engage and participate. November 5 will be here before you know it.

    Donna Sachet is a celebrated performer, fundraiser, activist, and philanthropist who has dedicated over two decades to the LGBTQ Community in San Francisco. Contact her at

    Calendar a/la Sachet

    Thursday, August 8 & 9
    Opera Parallele & Transgender District collaboration
    Lucas Bouk, Wilford Kelly, Queen Angelina, & more
    A.C.T.’s Strand Theater, 1127 Market Street
    7:30 pm
    $10 & up

    Sunday, August 11, 18 & 25
    Sunday’s a Drag at Club Fugazi
    Featuring SF’s most fabulous drag performers
    Hosted by Donna Sachet
    Club Fugazi, 678 Green Street
    Through September,
    every Sunday
    Brunch at 11 am,
    Show at noon
    $50 & up

    Saturday, August 17
    ALRP (AIDS Legal Referral Panel) Garden Party
    Hot Johnnie’s Smokehouse,
    4077 18th Street
    Bar, hors d’oeuvres,
    live auction & entertainment
    2–5 pm

    Donna’s Chronicles
    Published on August 8, 2024