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    Donna’s Chronicles, “Last Saturday reminded us of the time before the pandemic…”

    By Donna Sachet–

    Last Saturday reminded us of the time before the pandemic, when it was not unusual to have multiple events to attend in a single day, sometimes overlapping and each calling for our attention. We started our afternoon donning a jaunty hat for High Tea with the Empresses, a tradition honoring José Sarria, who passed away nine years ago and loved the event and the fun of whimsical millinery, and hosted by Empress Galilea. Although Twin Peaks has been the venue in the past, after a few years off, this year’s renewed gathering was at The Cinch. Many shared memories of a time when scores of Gay bars and businesses lined Polk Street.  No formal program is involved, but several Monarchs performed with their tips going to charitable efforts of the Imperial Court and special guests included Queen Mother Nicole the Great, King Father Terry Sidie, and Empress Nicole Diamond of Kentucky. It felt like a family reunion!

    Next up was a stop at Beaux in the Castro for an event featuring this year’s candidates for Grand Duke and Grand Duchess of San Francisco, Gregory Starr and Kelly Rose. On Saturday, September 17, the public is invited to cast your votes for these worthy individuals who bring extensive experience and proven commitment to our community, continuing the long and respected tradition of the Grand Ducal Council of San Francisco. From the looks of the enthusiastic crowd at Beaux, these two will do a great job. Reigning Grand Duke Scott Rice and Grand Duchess Bobby Friday invite you to Coronation 49: The Black and White Ball at Grand Peterhof, Saturday, September 24, 5 pm, Holiday Inn Golden Gateway, 1500 Van Ness, a celebration of their successful year, their formal step-down, and the crowning of the new Grand Duke and Duchess. We’ll be there, and yes, we’ll eschew the color red for the night in favor of the black & white theme.

    A short walk took us to Midnight Sun for a quick stop at Krewe de Kinque’s Summer of Puppy Love, hosted by King XVIII Colby Michaels and Queen XVIII Christina Ashton.The spirit of Mardi Gras was in the air with a bountiful Cajun buffet, numerous raffle prizes, spirited performances by club members, and the presentation of a check for $5400 to South of Market Health Center, the beneficiary of a year of fundraising, accepted by Director of Clinic Services Zeke Montejano. Grand Marshal of this year’s Bal Masque, Dr. Nas Mohammed, was on hand and special guests included Kit Tapata & Lori Howes, visiting from Palm Springs. This organization, founded by Gary Virginia some 18 years ago, continues to bring the revelry of New Orleans to San Francisco!

    Up on Castro Street we stopped by the original home of High Tea, Twin Peaks, joined by several other Imperial Family members, for a final cocktail in honor of Our Beloved Founder José Sarria, whose photograph is featured on the wall behind the bar. We have many fond memories in the presence and company of José at Twin Peaks, listening to her tell elaborate stories of yesterday, as younger or less informed individuals leaned in to gather details of a history that opened the doors for so much that we do and enjoy today. By then, our little puppy Peanut, who had joined us for the entire marathon of events, behaving admirably, began to show her impatience and we headed home to try on a rainbow accessory gifted to Peanut by Linda Lee. 

    The following day, we returned to The Cinch, sans Peanut, for the Imperial Court’s Chili Cook-Off, hosted by Reigning Emperor Brent Daddy Munro and Reigning Empress Ehra Amaya, and benefiting Night Ministry. Attendees were offered a variety of chili recipes, as well as side dishes and desserts. To the astonishment of many, there was even Southern cornbread from the kitchen of Donna Sachet! Yes, she has learned to do more than simply arrange Tic Tacs on a platter! A short, but outstanding show was coordinated by Mx Golden Gate 2022 John Brett, Mr. Cowboy 2022 Brandon West, and Miss Cowgirl 2022 Jubilee, concluding with prizes for chili creations. All through the event, contestants for Mr. Golden Gate Fernando Palacios and Miss Golden Gate Nikita Vega were selling raffle tickets in their bids to win those titles. This contest culminates in the Golden Gate Gaymes at the AIDS Memorial Grove in Golden Gate Park on Sunday, September 11; watch this column for more details. We can’t say enough about how welcoming The Cinch was all weekend and we encourage to get over there soon!

    We close this column with an unusual plea for your support for our very talented and big-hearted friend Kippy Marks.After an emergency health scare, Kippy faced the prospect of a liver transplant. Miraculously, a donor was found almost immediately and successful surgery has put him on the road to full recovery. Needless to say, medical bills and a complete disruption of his burgeoning musical career have left him in a worrisome financial situation. Please consider donating to his GoFundMe account and/or attending his event tonight, Thursday, August 25, listed in the adjacent calendar. He has given so much through his musical talent; let’s give a little back now.

    Donna Sachet is a celebrated performer, fundraiser, activist, and philanthropist who has dedicated over two decades to the LGBTQ Community in San Francisco. Contact her at

    Calendar a/la Sachet

    Thursday, August 25
    Nightfall: Fundraising Show for Kippy Marks
    4-course dinner, great entertainment, and friends
    Berber, 1516 Broadway
    7:30 pm

    Friday, August 26
    Divas & Drink
    sBay Times party w/Donna Sachet
    Special guests: Renée Lubin & Dr. Dee Spencer
    SF Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band,
    DJ Rockaway, Bacardí cocktails, food on the house
    Name That Tune competition
    The Academy, 2166 Market Street
    6–10 pm

    Tuesday, September 1
    Sing-Along Xanadu Film Screening
    Queer Chorus of San Francisco
    (formerly the Lesbian/Gay Chorus of SF)
    New Parkway Theater, 474 24th Street
    near the 19th Street BART station
    7 pm

    Published on August 25, 2022