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    Donna’s Chronicles, “We heard the news of the closing of AsiaSF with sadness…”

    By Donna Sachet–

    We heard the news of the closing of AsiaSF with sadness, but determined to experience the magic at least one more time.  Founder Larry Hashbarger made sure we were included in the VIP Finale last Wednesday. The evening began with cocktails in the downstairs lounge where we caught up with Lance Toma, Erik Webb, Rafael Mandelman, Fiona Ma, and others, as well as making new friends among the crowd. Upstairs in the showroom, we sat with Gary Virginia, Suzanne Ford, Win Pham, and Mark Leno to enjoy a three-course dinner and the spectacular show. What great company! The cast pulled out all the stops with dynamic performances, splendid costumes, and careful choreography, leaving little wonder why AsiaSF leaves an unforgettable mark on San Francisco nightlife. In their closing comments, Larry and his partners left the door open to future iterations, perhaps pop-up appearances and special events. Something tells us that we have not seen the last of the fabulous AsiaSF.

    Last Friday’s Divas & Drinks at The Academy wrapped up Women’s History Month with an enthusiastic group in support of the legacy and memory of Phyllis Lyon. The inclement weather forced us inside, but didn’t dampen spirits or generosity. Loyal sponsors Olivia Travel, Extreme Pizza, Bacardí, ellaprint, and SF Federal Credit Union were joined by presenting sponsor Comcast. We shared emcee responsibilities with the dynamic Kate Kendell, who led NCLR through so many years of accomplishments and now adds her talents to the California Endowment. She added so much to the event with her personal memories, fundraising skills, and crowd-pleasing demeanor. 

    Marvin K. White kicked things off with a rousing musical number by the GLIDE Memorial Church Ensemble, followed by brief comments from Mandy Carter, one of Lyon’s best friends. Filmmaker Deborah Svobada and Producer Susan Berston spoke about their upcoming documentary The Day the Curtains Came Down and treated the audience to some advance clips. This promises to be a fitting tribute to Lyon, filmed during the last chapter of her life, surrounded by caretakers and supporters, determined to keep her in her home of so many years with proper and respectful comfort and dignity. Many of those caretakers were present for the event and appropriately recognized. Throughout the evening, we coordinated with Kate a variety of raffle prize drawings and live auctions, most notably a lunch with the two of us that went for $1000 and was then honored for the 3 top bidders, raising $3000 in a matter of minutes. We can’t wait to dine with Kate and some lucky and supportive bidders.  The final part of the program was a beautiful dance performance by Sarah Bush and Frances Sedayao, adding an unforgettable dimension to the East Wing of The Academy. Finally, DJ Rockaway offered perfect music for the crowd to dance into the night.

    Once again, Joe Mac offered his wild Easter hats for sale at 440 Castro the day before Easter, but this time we had a little surprise for him. Joe recently announced his retirement from his many theatrical projects and employment with the SF Giants, so Gary Virginia invited his many friends to a retirement party that afternoon. The bar was decorated with Easter colors, lush florals, and an extensive buffet of delicious edibles, including luscious desserts. We joined Gary and Kelly Houston on stage to salute our friend Joe, who has brought so much joy and laughter to those around him for many years. Although he may not be as actively involved in the theatre and sports he so loves, we know he will continue to embrace the community that loves him back!

    Donna Sachet at The Academy SF with Co-Owner Paul Miller at Divas & Drinks, March
    29, for the celebration of Women’s History Month and benefit for the new film The Day
    the Curtains Came Down about the lives of Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon and the team of
    caregivers who cared for Phyllis during her final years after Del passed away
    Photo by Rink

    Easter Sunday defied all predictions and banished the rainy weather for a glorious sunny day, summoning thousands to Easter in the Park with the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. We joined San Francisco’s most generous and magnetic hostess Suzan Revah and her considerable entourage smack dab in the middle of everything. Much loved Sister Roma and Honey Mahogany skillfully emceed, guiding the crowd through all the requisite elements, e.g. colorfully dressed Sisters, skimpily dressed attendees, Easter bonnets galore, laughter, and sunbathing. The highlight of the day for many came with the Foxy Mary and Hunky Jesus contests. After the largest number of competitors ever gave it their all, Puta Mary (Celestina Pearl) and Ken Jesus (Ken Ferraris) emerged as winners, much to the delight of the cheering crowd. It was not possible to escape the joy and abandon of this annual event!

    We hope this respite from dreary weather is a harbinger of the spring to come, lifting us out of the winter doldrums and renewing our energy and optimism. We’ll be watching for you out and about in this glorious San Francisco!

    Donna Sachet is a celebrated performer, fundraiser, activist, and philanthropist who has dedicated over two decades to the LGBTQ Community in San Francisco. Contact her at

    Calendar a/la Sachet

    Thursday, April 4
    Academy East Wing Naming Ceremony
    Long-awaited East Wing naming
    The Academy, 2166 Market Street
    7 pm

    Thursday, April 11
    City Treasurer José Cisneros election fundraiser
    The Academy, 2166 Market Street
    5:30–7 pm
    Donations welcome

    Saturday, April 13
    25th Annual EQCA Gala
    Awards, dinner, dancing
    The Fairmont Hotel, 950 Mason Street
    6–10 pm
    $250 & up

    Sunday, April 14
    Imperial Investiture LIX, Sunglasses On!
    Emperor Bob Glas & Empress Linda Summers
    Court formation and title awards
    Oasis, 298 11th Street
    5 pm
    $30 & up

    Donna’s Chronicles
    Published on April 4, 2024