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    Dykes on Bikes: Kelly B.

    Dykes on Bikes: Tales from Two Wheels

    Decades ago, I found the quote to live my life by:

    “Riding on a motorcycle can make you feel joyous, powerful, peaceful, frightened, vulnerable, and back to happy again, perhaps in the same 10 miles. It is life compressed, its own answer to the question, ‘Why?’”

    —Melissa Holbrook Pierson

    My motorcycles have been used for basic transportation, easier parking in San Francisco, joyful moments, finding community, and taking many walkabouts when spiritual, mental, or physical condition adjustments were needed. In riding, “Type 1,” “Type 2,” and even occasional “Type 3” fun are found in abundance; I learn about the world as I travel it and learn about myself as the experiences layer to evolve me.

    For all the beauty and joy found in the many states, countries, and continents I have ridden in during my journeys, what feeds my soul the most is when another woman sees me and says, “You ride that bike?!” or, “You rode from where?” I watch them take it in and slowly ask other questions. I listen as they start to talk about their dreams and watch them grow into “The Dream” maybe becoming a reality. It does not matter what the dream is, as long as they suddenly think “maybe I can … .” That is the biggest gift and the reason “why.”

    My name is Kelly B. and I am San Francisco Dykes on Bikes (DOB)Ò Emeritus #3. My journey started with DOB after moving to San Francisco in 1992 and riding in the Pride parade—first as a passenger and then as a rider after I got my own bike. Every ride down Market Street is empowering and exhilarating as the parade crowd roars and I see the looks of “maybe someday … ” on other women’s faces. 

    I became a San Francisco Women’s Motorcycle Contingent – DOB Organizing Member, which is now what is referred to as a San Francisco DOB Board Member, in 1999.  Ride Coordinator/Ride Captain, website committee, trademarks, incorporating as a nonprofit, and the creation of the framework for other chapters were all part of the journey I was privileged to participate in with so many other great women as an Organizing Member and, following our incorporation, as a Board Member. 

    While my travel schedule meant stepping back from official duties with DOB, I continue to go to events and ride with the women of DOB and love every minute of it. Come out and join us!

    Published on February 24, 2022