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    Dykes With Drills: Tie the Knot

    By Julie Peri–

    Here’s a quick tip for using extension cords. When you attach two cords together, use a knot to keep them together. That way when you tug on them when using your tool, you won’t have your connection come loose.

    Learn more fun tips and tricks with us at one of our workshops in the Bay Area!

    Introduction to Tools Workshop, February 12 @ San Francisco
    Introduction to Tools Workshop, March 5 @ San Francisco
    Tiny House Workshop Series, March 12–April 24 @ Bay Area
    Overnight Carpentry Camp, July 24–July 30 @ Bay Area

    For more information about these and other events, go to:

    Julie Peri is the Founder and Director of Dykes With Drills.

    Published on January 27, 2021