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    Fitness, Appreciation and Pride

    NEW BT 6.23 all_Page_42_Image_0001This is a fitness column, but not your usual fitness column! Inside Out Fitness means no shame, no blame; just the next small step so you can have the strength and stamina you need to live the life you want. In each issue we explore the physical and mental skills you need to be successful with fitness. At Inside Out Fitness we are all about increasing your overall well-being instead of focusing on losing weight or body shaping.

    Appreciate yourself for every accomplishment, no matter how small. Bonus: Self-appreciation creates sweet self-accountability. You can then end up with a result that you can be proud of. Appreciation also makes the journey way more fun. Small steps will lead to pride in your big result. You might even say pride is like puffed up appreciation!

    We all know that everything begins with an idea. After the idea comes the call to action, where the rubber hits the road. Then you have the journey: all the ups and downs along the way. Say “yes” to everything (well, almost everything!). Find a way to see all your lessons as beneficial to your expansion. “Enjoy the journey” is a cliché, but a true one. Look back periodically and appreciate all the energy, time, money and more that you invested. You will feel proud!

    For example, over a year ago I decided that I wanted to up-level my motorcycle riding skills. I had been riding for years, but mostly in the city. When I got out on “the twisties” I always felt lost and scared. A friend introduced me to a premier riding school called California Superbike School. They teach the art of cornering on racetracks all over the country. I couldn’t even believe I was riding on a racetrack! The school approaches their content just like I approach fitness, one step at a time. I thought, “I can do this!”

    Fast forward one year and 2 months. That’s me in the photo on the lead bike!

    When I look at that picture I feel tremendous pride. I passed through so many twists and turns to get here; it’s amazing. I had many setbacks and obstacles, but I kept going. I even had cancer in my leg and a brutal surgery because of it, but I never gave up. I invested thousands of dollars at school. I spent countless hours driving to L.A. for school, practicing my skills at home, and reading and learning. My friends helped me when I was overwhelmed or out of my league. I used my creativity to find the resources I needed to make all of this happen. I did, and still do my rehab exercises every day. I keep my fitness level up so I can ride.

    Along the way I kept appreciating myself and my efforts. I was always the slowest rider, but I didn’t care. I just kept my eyes on what I wanted, not comparing myself to others. I kept on plugging and appreciating. I had fun. I met wonderful people and made new friends. I never gave up. When I see photos like the one here from my most recent school days, I cannot believe that’s me! I had the bike leaned over and everything. I look like a real rider! And I feel that way too. I’m damn proud!

    So take a moment and bring to mind something you’re proud of. Feel the pride! Appreciate all you did to get there. Bask and celebrate your beautiful success.

    The next time I will address how small steps in exercise are the bomb, and will provide some great examples to get started with.

    Cinder Ernst, Medical Exercise Specialist and Life Coach Extraordinaire, helps reluctant exercisers get moving with safe, effective and fun programs. Find out more at