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    Five Easy Ways to Volunteer with the GGBA

    Krystal Drwencke

    Most of us are on overdrive these days with busy schedules, but you can still benefit yourself and your career by getting more involved with the LGBTQ+ business community. Golden Gate Business Association (GGBA) Membership Co-chair Dr. Krystle Drwencke recently shared five easy ways in which you can achieve that goal.

    1. Help the GGBA to curate monthly events.
    Each month we highlight a different industry vertical within our membership. This is a great opportunity to highlight new venues, partner with aligned organizations, and bring industry leaders into focus. Each theme can be viewed on the GGBA online calendar:
    Find an event that speaks to you and reach out to to see where that event is in the planning stage.

    2. Co-lead a new member orientation.
    Meet our new members and help them to obtain the tools that they need to engage their membership. New Member Orientations are 30-minute events and take place once each quarter, directly before our monthly Make Contact event. Volunteer for the New Member Orientation and you’ll also get into the Make Contact for free. Attend an orientation yourself on Tuesday, November 12, from 5:30 pm–6 pm at Cova, 918 Mission Street. Register at

    3. Lead a Member Roundtable.
    Start the conversation! Member Roundtables are 30-minute events that occur quarterly before our monthly Make Contacts. This is an opportunity to hear feedback from our membership on our current and future programming and what they would like to see the GGBA accomplish.

    4. Become an Ambassador.
    Become familiar with our members and introduce them to others at events. Through helping to facilitate events and programming, you will in be in touch with unique businesses and people! Ambassadors help to tie everything together and help to offer unique insights when they serve on different committees in the organization.

    5. Be a part of GGBA’s largest event of the year!
    Power Lunch VI and the Power Pitches is coming soon! The Power Lunch is the GGBA’s flagship event. The next one will be held on March 6, 2020, at the fabulous W Hotel. The theme will be ‘Diversity,” and we need your skills, talent, and energy to bring this event to life.

    Ready to join the GGBA as a volunteer? Reach out to Dr. Krystal Drwencke at