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    Five Thousand Demonstrators Gather in San Francisco on Inauguration Night to Protest Trump and His Policies

    Trump ProtestBy Dennis McMillan

    ANSWER Bay Area [Act Now to Stop War and End Racism] partially sponsored the 5 pm Friday demonstration against Trump on Inauguration night. Sponsors stated, “On January 20, 2017, the racist, sexist, xenophobic and anti-worker Donald Trump will be elevated to the office of President, despite the fact that he lost the popular vote by a significant margin. On that disgraceful day, tens of thousands of people will be marching in the streets in Washington D.C., San Francisco and other cities, saying ‘no’ to Trump and the Trump program.” They continued, “It is of the utmost urgency that all progressive people take to the streets in defense of immigrants, Muslims, women, all people of color and all working people. We take to the streets to advance an alternative vision.”

    Before the event officially began, dancers in costumes performed Native American Indian prayer dances. Then the massive protest took place downtown in Union Square with people blocking and taking over, both sides of Market Street after an hour of rallying. It was peaceful with no arrests.

    Some of the placards read:

    “Homes for people! Not for profit”

    “Racist! Fascist”

    “Fight white supremacy!”

    “Nasty women rebel!”

    And this reporter’s clever favorite: “Mein Trumpf!”

    Colorful banners proclaimed, “Protect Communities of Color” and “No Borders to Nations!” and a big three lane-wide banner urged, “Say no to the Trump agenda! #Inaugurate the resistance! No racism, sexism, homophobia, war!”

    Outside UBER headquarters, protesters chained themselves to the doors with signs of “Resist!” and “UBER collaborates! We resist!” In this case, individuals were arrested. Eleven were also arrested on the CalTrain tracks, and normal service shortly commenced. Many peaceful demonstrators assembled in front of the 555 California Building owned 30% by Trump with his uber-wealthy Goldman Sachs advisors ordinarily occupying that space.

    Rain dispersed the demonstrators, so many hours later they marched to the Castro and then into the Mission and Tenderloin—chanting all the way with such phrases as: “2-4-6-8! No to Trump; no to hate!” and “Racist! Sexist! Anti-gay! Trump & Pence, go away!” Police estimated over 5,000 people of all ages, races, sexes, causes and orientations participated passionately, but peacefully, through the night.

    ANSWER Coalition ( plans to have many more demonstrations and marches in the future. For updates, contact their website.