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    Focus on Serving Your Unique Soul-print

    gypsyCongratulations, Graduate!
    If you’re reading this, it means you’ve crossed an incredible cosmic bridge. After braving the storm of all-or-nothing astrological events that have dominated these past few years, you’re emerging triumphant and transformed—albeit a bit bruised. Consider each scar a celestial badge of honor now as you focus on serving your unique soul-print. “Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friend.” (Walt Disney)

    ARIES (March 21–April 19) Things are looking up, Aries! The stars sparkle in your house of “happy” now. Creativity and romance abound. Resourcefulness is at an all-time high. Pick your passion, and make it happen.

    TAURUS (April 20–May 20) Take a stand, Taurus. Recent upsets are rooted in your refusal to assert yourself. The planets prefer that you live loudly and proudly. Put your mantra where your mouth is.

    GEMINI (May 21–June 20) Tune in, Gemini. Your intuition is functioning at full throttle these days. As you tackle tough questions about love and career, make time to tap into your instincts.

    CANCER (June 21–July 22) This is no time to dwell in your shell, sweet Cancer. Saddle up and sync with your community now. Stepping into the light will help you expand your dream team.

    LEO (July 23–August 22) Take the leap, Leo. Professionally, you’re primed to make meaningful advances now. You’re the one holding the cards, honey. Construct a plan, and commit to it.

    VIRGO (August 23–September 22) Keep the faith, Virgo. Fear of the unknown will only foster unnecessary tension between home and work now. Maintaining an open mind will enable you to manifest miracles.

    LIBRA (September 23–October 22) Change is in the air, Libra. These power struggles and pesky pains are agents for growth. The Universe is paving a path designed to help you realize your truest potential.

    SCORPIO (October 23–November 21) Sick of flying solo, Scorpio? Astral hues are highlighting your relationship sector. Even if you’re already attached, or have no interest in coupling, respect your intimate desires now.

    SAGITTARIUS (November 22–December 21) Shake things up, Sagittarius! Day-to-day dealings get an added boost of energy now. Design a healthy habit. Enroll in an intriguing class. Do something every day to cater to your divine curiosity.

    CAPRICORN (December 22–January 19) Are you ready for your close-up, Capricorn? A stellar spotlight shines intently on your house of self-expression now. Even pleasure can be productive, lover. Get out and play!

    AQUARIUS (January 20–February 18) Let’s be honest, Aquarius. Your palace could use a good purge. Bid farewell to pieces of your past that have long exhausted their purpose. Discover the healing nature of home improvement.

    PISCES (February 19–March 20) Practice your pitch, Pisces. Your power of speech is especially potent now. Communicate to the public with confidence and clarity. Your message deserves to be heard, and the world is waiting.