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    GGBA: Message from the President of GGBA

    Gina Grahame

    By Gina Grahame–

    About 45 years, ago, in 1974, a small group of gay bar owners in the Castro gathered together in a small room, around a common goal: to create an organization of, for, and in support of gay business owners. A community where LGBT small business owners would be free to be their entire selves; where they could meet, talk, network, and laugh with likeminded individuals. Where they could build their personal lives as well as their business.

    In the decades since then, thousands of GGBA members have done just that. I joined the GGBA about six years, upon leaving my corporate job and while preparing to launch my own business. Being able to talk about my business plans at GGBA events, I was able to fine-tune my vision and develop my elevator pitch.

    So, when that right opportunity presented itself with a potential client, I was ready. I’m also proud to say I’ve met many of my closest friends through the GGBA. We hang out together, camp together, laugh together, and talk about the challenges and successes of our businesses together.  

    As the GGBA continues to create new opportunities for LGBTQ & allied members to meet, share, and network, we want to be sure never to lose sight of the fun factor.

    This year’s Power Lunch is embracing the ‘business casual’ style of San Francisco. We’re so excited to have the band Proud Mary: A Credence QUEERwater Revival kick off the event by kicking up the energy.

    May’s Mega-Make Contact, taking place on March 5 at El Valenciano in the Mission as part of Small Business Week, will have salsa dancing. Bring your best girl or guy, or possibly meet one when you’re there, and get ready to have a great time.

    And later this summer, we’re in discussions to have a ’70s themed Make Contact to celebrate the grand opening of one of our member’s newest locations. If your closet doesn’t include bell bottoms, tie dye, or puka shell necklaces, then head on over to the Haight and start planning your outfit—platform shoes optional.

    What you get out of the GGBA is directly related to what you put into it. I wouldn’t trade the relationships I’ve created through the GGBA for anything.  I wish the same for you. Come join us.  

    Gina Grahame, the Founder and CEO of the Grahame Institute of Strategic Communication, is the President of the Golden Gate Business Association (GGBA). Grahame also serves as a Communication Coach at the Stanford Graduate School of Business and is a member of the Board of Advisors for the Transgender Advisory Committee of the City and County of San Francisco.

    Published on February 27, 2020