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    Highlights of the 2024 Democratic National Convention By Hon. Leslie R. Katz

    I was honored to recently attend the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, the queerest and one of the most exciting conventions in recent memory. There were countless amazing speeches, and like many other conventions, it was clear that a few breakout presentations would prepare some for successful future endeavors (think Senate candidate Barack Obama in 2004).

    What didn’t always get reported on was the extraordinary unity, energy, comradery, excitement and genuine warmth and kindness at the convention. Each night featured numerous speakers who all built upon a theme, upon those who spoke before them, and did exactly what they were supposed to accomplish each evening. They made us laugh, cry, stand up, and cheer, and at times genuinely brought fun back to the political arena.

    Our own homegrown leader, Vice President Kamala Harris, has generated such a level of enthusiasm amongst not only the party “faithful” but also amongst younger voters, communities of color, Black women (at last receiving recognition for always leading in tough times), and from South Asian Americans. Every community that was represented at the convention felt seen, heard, and appreciated.

    Hon. Leslie R. Katz with Governor Gavin Newsom

    Each day there were, literally, hundreds of various events taking place in advance of the formal convening in the evening. There were programs for each state, including a California breakfast every morning with big name speakers from Mayor Karen Bass to Governors Whitmer, Shapiro, and Pritzker; Secretary of Transportation Buttigieg; Dolores Huerta; First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom; and others. There was a gathering for Asian American and Pacific Islanders, for Black women, for technology talks, for media preparations, for discussions concerning reproductive freedom, and so much more.

    After the evenings concluded at the United Center, there were parties all throughout the city, such as a San Francisco bash with The Killers playing, T-Pain at a concluding concert, John Legend appearing at the California Gala with the soon-to-be First Gentleman … and those are just a few.

    Some daytime highlights for me included attending the Speaker Emerita’s Women’s Leadership luncheon featuring Billy Porter. Billy played for about thirty minutes and it was a treat to see so many members of Congress dancing up in front (some even had some good moves). The drag brunch was fabulous! And then there were many very serious sessions on timely topics.

    Billy Porter with Rep. Nancy Pelosi

    It must also be emphasized that this was “the queerest DNC Convention ever” with 17% of the delegates identifying as LGBTQ+. Sunday evening had a great pair of gatherings for the queer community and allies with many events hosted by EQCA, HRC, Equality PAC (the previously mentioned drag brunch) as well as sessions on helping elect more members of the community to various offices (thank you, Victory Campaign).

    In summary, this convention got people excited. The nominee introduced herself in a profound way throughout the four days. We got to know Governor Walz—the football coach who led the Gay-Lesbian Student Alliance at his high school—and there wasn’t a dry eye in the arena when his son pointed out, “That’s my dad!”

    The convention accomplished what was needed and necessary with no wrong moves. However, the work just began. We all know what we will be facing if the Harris–Walz ticket is not successful. We can’t be complacent. Everyone needs to go full tilt in whatever ways they can—by calling into swing states, giving whatever they are comfortable donating, heading to swing states to turn out our voters, emailing or writing to family members in key states, and generally getting the word out for this ticket and for those down ballot (Congress, school boards, etc.).

    We have a chance to have our Bay Area values represented in the White House. Let’s all ensure that happens.

    Hon. Leslie R. Katz, who attended the 2024 Democratic National Convention, is a Partner at Practus, LLP. She is also a former elected official and former technology company executive who presently serves on the Board of Equality California.

    Election 2024
    Published on September 5, 2024