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    Humbolt Made

    Humboldt Made was initiated by the County of Humboldt in 2010 to spur the growth of a diverse array of makers and producers. The idea was to bring entrepreneurs together, identify their common strengths and weaknesses, and through networking and collaboration, overcome obstacles and achieve great things together. Creating brand awareness and increased sales beyond Humboldt’s borders was key, the end result being a sustainable, local economy. 

    Nick Bown-Crawford is now the Executive Director of Humboldt Made and is a close family friend of The Foggy Bottoms Boys featured in this issue of the San Francisco Bay Times. He took the photos of them, so that project was a labor of love that shines through the images.

    Bown-Crawford told the Bay Times: “I was born and raised in Humboldt, but recently moved back after spending about 16 years in Atlanta. I took over the reins Humboldt Made this past spring, and am expanding the organization’s reach and membership collective.”

    If you go on a road trip to visit The Foggy Bottoms Boys’ farm or other places in the area, check out the Brands section of the Humboldt Made site to learn about some of the many amazing businesses in Humboldt County. Several are LGBTQ owned and operated!

    Published on November 17, 2022