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    Introducing Wilson Ferreira, Artistic Designer and Creator of the San Francisco Pulse Memorial

    By Eduardo Morales, Ph.D.–

    Brazilian graphic and artistic designer Wilson Ferreira, M.F.A., was born in the historic and beautiful city of Muqui in the State of Espírito Santo, Brazil. Currently 39 years old, he is a very creative and curious person by nature. A multidisciplinary artist, Wilson earned a Master’s degree in the visual arts and a specialization in product design from the Marangoni Institute in Milan, Italy. His Bachelor’s degree was in communication studies with an emphasis in publicity and advertising. To create his works, he employs both digital and analog technologies.

    His fascination with art started during his youth when he frequented folklore festivals in his home town and when he experimented in his mother’s sewing workshop. As a graphic designer, he developed brands, prints, and packaging and became an art director in photography. He created works such as fashions with a cultural visual identity and products for the creative economy sector.

    In 2013, he launched his visual arts studio where he develops art projects for architectural firms, home furnishings stores, and for several exhibitions in numerous cities throughout Brazil and beyond. His approach is to integrate art and culture in a democratic and accessible manner. He continues to seek out opportunities that complement his interest and training.

    His motivation for involvement in Latinx LGBTQ+ issues stems from his belief in equality and justice for all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or cultural background. He believes that it is crucial to raise awareness and to advocate for the rights and well-being of Latinx members of the LGBTQ+ community, who often face unique challenges and barriers due to their intersecting identities.

    Issues that he believes are important for Latinx LGBTQ+ individuals include:

    • representation and visibility, which are crucial for those who are Latinx LGBTQ+ since they need to have their voices heard and their experiences represented in media, politics, and other forms of public discourse;
    • health care for Latinx LGBTQ+ individuals—they often face barriers in accessing adequate health care, including language and cultural barriers, lack of insurance, and stigma related to their sexual orientation or gender identity;
    • employment for Latinx LGBTQ+ people, who as a vulnerable group are often subjected to discrimination, violence, and poverty, and may face additional challenges related to immigration status or language barriers;
    • marriage equality and family acceptance, since Latinx LGBTQ+ individuals face challenges in forming and sustaining loving and supportive relationships and families, including the legal recognition of same-sex relationships while often being rejected by their family members;
    • employment discrimination, since Latinx LGBTQ+ individuals often face discrimination in the workplace based on their sexual orientation, gender identity, and cultural background.

    By working to address these challenges while promoting equality and justice for Latinx LGBTQ+ people, Wilson hopes to help create a world where all are free to live openly and authentically.

    In response to a call for an artist to create the San Francisco Pulse Memorial, Wilson entered and was selected. He is the first Brazilian artist to create a memorial for the City and County of San Francisco. He was able to incorporate his over 20 years of experience to create the San Francisco Pulse Memorial that was funded by the S.F. Board of Supervisors. It is currently located on the second-floor lobby of the SF LGBT Center.

    On the evening of Wednesday, December 7, 2022, there was a formal official unveiling of the memorial at the SF LGBT Center in recognition of the largest LGBTQ+ massacre in U.S. history. Besides having his independent business, Wilson is the website and social media coordinator for AGUILAS, an HIV prevention and workforce development program for Latinx LGBTQ+ individuals, located in the SF LGBT Center. At AGUILAS he manages the agency’s website and social communications while creating the artistic presentations for its social events and programming. I invite you to view the historic SF Pulse Memorial at the SF LGBT Center, 1800 Market Street, during the Center’s regular operating hours.

    Eduardo Morales, Ph.D. is a Professor Emeritus, retired Distinguished Professor, and current adjunct professor at Alliant International University. He is also a licensed psychologist and a founder and current Executive Director of AGUILAS, an award-winning program for Latinx LGBTQ+. Of Puerto Rican decent, he has received numerous distinguished awards and citations, including being named a Fellow of 12 divisions of the American Psychological Association.

    Nuestra Voz
    Published on February 9, 2023