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    Laugh Out Loud for Real with Kate Clinton

    kate2We are doing a little happy dance here at the Bay Times. Kate Clinton is coming to town! She’ll be at the NCLR Anniversary Celebration on May 17. (See page 5 for more info about the event.) We are also celebrating Kate’s new column in the Bay Times! It will launch in our next issue. But now you are in for a treat: a Q&A with the one and only Great Kate.

    Bay Times: We are thrilled that you will be emceeing the NCLR Anniversary Celebration again this year. How many times have you hosted the event? Have you beat Bob Hope’s record for hosting the Oscars?


    Kate Clinton: I think I am somewhere between Bob Hope and Billy Crystal. Of course, I’d prefer to be standing right between Tina Fey and Amy Poehler.

    Bay Times: What are some of your favorite memories from the NCLR event over the years?

    Kate Clinton: During a particularly raucous fundraising moment at the 20th (?) Anniversary, women were stuffing cash in my bra, so Martina joined in. And the plaintiff’s stories always make me weep.

    Bay Times: Do you think 2014 is shaping up to be a good or bad year for lesbians?

    Kate Clinton: It can’t be a good year for lesbians if it’s a bad year for women. And all the white coot guys mansplaining and legislating on the lady parts is not a good sign for us.

    Our response has to be Pussy Riot, not Wussy Riot.


    Bay Times: Aside from NCLR, what are some of your favorite things to do in San Francisco?

    Kate Clinton: Besides seeing friends, I love going to Glide Church. I am a sucker for bridges. I binge watch History Channel bridge building stories, so I love walking across the Golden Gate.

    Bay Times: If you could head out of San Francisco for some r&r in the Bay Area, would it more likely be to Marin or to Oakland or…?


    Kate Clinton: I would love to get a VW camper and drive up the coast for a month or eight.

    Bay Times: SF is quickly becoming another Silicon Valley. As your website says, we are indeed feeling fatigued by Facebook, numbed by Tumblr and we do prefer real Amazons and feel like anti-social networks! How do you high tech?

    Kate Clinton: Generally kicking and screaming. And then I love it and then I hate it. To stay grounded, I prefer experiences that involve at least three senses at the same time. For example: A beach fire with friends eating aluminum Girl Scout packets of Indian food. Don’t forget the s’mores!

    Bay Times: Do you think America is ready for a woman president and, if so, care to mention your chosen candidate?

    Kate Clinton: This American is ready. And thanks to the Supreme Court decision on campaign donations, I have already sent a check for three million dollars to Hillary Clinton. She’ll need it to fight the Koch (pr: short O) Brotherhood.

    Bay Times: You are always fit and fab. Please share any tips for those of us who hope to benefit from your wisdom and health regime.

    Kate Clinton: I am a point-counter and have been doing Ayengar yoga for four years and wish I had started both much earlier.

    Bay Times: Please update us on your new projects. Plug away!

    Kate Clinton: You can check out the ongoing project of my blogs and weekly vlogs and lots of other goodies on

    I write a column in The Progressive and The Washington Blade.

    I’m looking forward to contributing to the Bay Times each month.

    And I will be doing my #KateClinton2014 show in Provincetown this summer. Unless I actually do take the VW van up the coast.

    Bay Times: Anything else that you’d like our readers to know?

    Kate Clinton: You SanFransisters have the honor of being home to NCLR, the original Dyke Dynasty.

    If you can’t make it to the dinner party or after-party, you can still send them a donation to continue their amazing work.

    They are in my will.

    Read more about Kate Clinton