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    Let’s Go Home! 1.25.24

    Here are two of the many pets now available for adoption at Oakland Animal Services (OAS):

    Montana is about two years old and he is a friendly boy, greeting everyone with a wagging tail. Montana loves playing with toys, and also enjoys playing with his doggie friends at the shelter. 


    Biff is a big, loveable lug who makes new friends easily and is always fun to have around. Two-year-old Biff revels in attention and adores having his head and chin scratched, purring up a storm and making little biscuits to show his contentment.


    The OAS adoption process focuses on matching you with a pet who is a good fit for you and your family. Come by during open adoption hours Thursdays 12–7 pm and Fridays/Saturdays/Sundays 12–3 pm to adopt your new best friend, or to learn more about the OAS adoption process. Please see the OAS website to learn more about how you can help by adopting, fostering, volunteering, and donating: 

    Published on January 25, 2024