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    LGBTQ+ Favorite Sean Dorsey Dance Performs April 8–10 in San Francisco

    Award-winning LGBTQ+ dance company Sean Dorsey Dance will soon return to the stage after more than two years! The company will perform in San Francisco for one-weekend-only, offering 5 limited-seating performances April 8 through 10 at Z Space in San Francisco.

    “We’re thrilled to be performing an exclusive sneak peek of our new show,” explained Artistic Director Sean Dorsey. “It’s an ‘insider’ view of our creative process—we’re performing a work-in-progress of some all-new dances!”

    Dorsey is celebrated nationally as a trailblazing choreographer and dancer—praised for his luscious, intricate and deeply human dances. Dorsey continues to make history as an openly transgender and queer dancemaker who has toured his company’s works to more than 30 cities across the U.S. and around the world.

    (For more information about Dorsey: )

    “We are an all-trans/non-binary/gender-nonconforming/and queer company,” enthused Dorsey. “So many LGBTQ+ dancers have to ‘play straight’ onstage—but not us! We intentionally uplift the beauty and power of trans and queer bodies, aesthetics, and experience. This is gender-nonconforming and queer movement, partnering, costuming … everything!”

    Sean Dorsey Dance will be performing sections-in-progress of their new/upcoming show The Lost Art Of Dreaming, which invites audiences into expansive thinking and imagination, especially about our futures.

    “Who knew I’d be making a show about expansive futures during a global pandemic!” said Dorsey. “But I actually see now that these ideas and themes are incredibly timely. We all need imagination, expansive thinking, and expansive loving right now … more than ever.”

    The movement will be created and performed by Sean Dorsey, Héctor Jaime, Tajh Malik, and longtime Sean Dorsey Dance favorite Nol Simonse (now dancing a 15th season with the company).

    The performances also include the premiere of new music compositions, which have been composed and recorded as part of the soundscore. The dancers will dance to new music by Anomie Belle, Alex Kelly, Frida Ibarra, Jesse Olsen Bay, and others.

    “I am in love with the new music created by our team of composers for this new work,” Dorsey said. “It has an incredible range—from the driving pulse of the club, to the heartbreaking notes of a string quartet, to virtuosic cello compositions.”

    While tickets to the performances are free, audiences must register for tickets in advance (for COVID safety) and so are encouraged to register early. “We are just doing 5 performances, with very limited seating,” explained Dorsey. “So, we definitely recommend registering for your tickets today!” The event lasts for about 40 minutes.

    On top of very limited seating and distancing, COVID safety protocols for the event include: all audience members must show proof of vaccination and booster, and all audience members will be given a KN95 mask (which they must wear at all times inside the theater). The theater is wheelchair accessible and has all-gender bathrooms.

    Immediately after the performances, audiences will be treated to the launch of Sean Dorsey Dance’s project Postcards from the Future ( Dorsey explained, “We commissioned 4 brilliant trans/gender-nonconforming visual artists to create a new piece inspired by the theme of expansive futures and imagination. Then we printed their gorgeous artworks onto full-color postcards. Audiences will take them home for free! The back has space for them to write a message from the future, and send to a friend.”

    The event’s organizers also understand that some communities cannot be vaccinated due to illness or disability, and that communities who are immune suppressed or compromised may not feel safe attending in-person. “That’s why we’re filming the performances and making a video available for folks who sign up to watch it.”

    ASL Interpretation will be provided by Pilar Marsh at both Sunday April 10 performances (a 2 pm matinee and 7 pm performance).

    Sean Dorsey Dance – 2022 Home Season

    April 8–10Z Space (450 Florida Street between 17th Street & Mariposa, San Francisco, 94110)

    Friday, April 8: 7 pm
    Saturday, April 9: 2 pm + 7 pm
    Sunday, April 10: 2 pm + 7 pm (both with ASL)


    Published on April 7, 2022