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    Lit Snax: 1.27.22

    Gordo by Jaime Cortez

    Set in and around a farm labor camp outside Watsonville in the 1970s, the stories comprising Gordo are at once moving, funny, peculiar, and utterly charming. Think Steinbeck with a queer and Latinx twist. 

    Gay Bar: Why We Went Out by Jeremy Atherton Lin

    This book is both a candid personal essay about the author’s quest for community and companionship in gay bars (some in San Francisco!) and an erudite examination of the gay bar as a social institution. 

    Orwell’s Roses by Rebecca Solnit

    This series of essays examines George Orwell’s love of roses from a multiplicity of angles. Be prepared to learn about the history of the flower, the great author himself, where your supermarket roses come from, and a lot more.

    Published on January 27, 2022