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    Living the Laughter Lifestyle

    Karen WilliamsBy Karen Williams, M.Ed.

    (Editor’s Note: With this article, we welcome back talented columnist Karen Williams, who is also a popular stage performer and motivational speaker. She is the Founder and CEO of the HaHA Institute,

    Hi! I’m back. Did you miss me? Well, I missed you.

    Life is good, and I want to share more love and laughter with you in 2017! Why? Because we’re gonna need both—love and laughter—in massive doses in the coming years. It would be great if we could do what we used to do: dance, dance, dance all night long in the lesbian bars and gay mancave clubs. But alas, they’re gone and we’re left with misty reminders of the good ole days when we grooved to Donna Summer without any idea that she really didn’t like us after all. Sigh!

    Yet, besides being the comic activist that I am, I also remain an eternal optimist, which means that I don’t stay down for long … . Did I really say that?

    I’ve decided to call this column “Living the Laughter Lifestyle,” largely because it occurred to me that my choice to consistently see the brighter side of life is actually my lifestyle, and that if it works for me, there may be some benefit in sharing it with you. And like all things improvisational, including life, I get to make up this lifestyle as I go. With a grateful heart, I want you to know that it will be really wonderful and luscious if you let me know your thoughts about this column.

    This first installment, excerpted from my delightful little handbook of axioms, idioms and common-sense tips, is designed to point you in the right direction this year and every year of your precious life. Of course, the way that it is presented makes it seem as though you can do all of these things at once. But we know that’s impossible. Remember to take your time. Savor … relish … and enjoy! I’ll be back next month with more words of wisdom and wit to further whet your appetite for joy and laughter!

    So here goes…

    Positive Living

    Speak Up, Speak Out, Laugh Often.

    Words are golden. Words are our currency. Go for broke.

    Silence is quicksilver. Catch it when you can.

    Listen with your heart. Keep it open like your ears.

    Live honestly, openly and without regret.

    Practice thinking positive thoughts.

    Practice speaking positive words.

    Practice taking positive action.

    Practice having your thoughts and words match your actions.

    Trust your intuition. Use it!

    Study people. Read books.

    Exercise your mind and your body will follow.

    Don’t depend on anyone. Be dependable!

    Learn to play the instrument you always wanted to play.


    Laugh a lot. See the humor in all things. Giggle.

    Laugh ‘til you cry.

    Tune into your own biorhythm. Follow it.

    Now take a few moments and think about your own journey and write what you’d like to experience along your positive living path.

    Until next time, launch yourself onto your own pathway to joy and laughter!

    © 2017 Karen Williams

    Karen Williams loves you because you make her laugh! Contact her at