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    Mentoring Remains an Important Mission at AGUILAS

    By Eduardo Morales, Ph.D.–

    Since AGUILAS began providing services in 1994, the staff has mentored numerous individuals in a variety of roles so that those receiving this care and guidance can better serve the Latinx LGBTQI+ community. The mentoring process is part of AGUILAS’ volunteer program and participants are treated as respected equals. Some mentees have also enrolled in academic programs, such as through the La Academia de AGUILAS leadership development workshops, to further develop their skills and obtain a coveted degree upon successful completion of their respective program.

    The mentoring program is a great asset to workforce development and has resulted in participants securing positions at numerous local businesses and nonprofits. The range of learned skills and roles is broad, from senior administrative work to business leadership positions.

    The mentoring program engages a small number of individuals so that the staff can provide them with ample, detailed proper attention. Discussion of career options is included in the mentoring process; mentees have access to all AGUILAS personnel to obtain an array of perspectives and consultation. The selection process involves submitting a letter of interest describing the type of mentoring that is desired along with a résumé.

    The mentoring efforts at AGUILAS continue to be extremely successful, such that nearly all participants have been able to obtain employment in the career path of their choice. We are proud that this longstanding service at AGUILAS continues, and our team looks forward to meeting the next group of mentees.

    Eduardo Morales, Ph.D. is a Professor Emeritus, retired Distinguished Professor, and current adjunct professor at Alliant International University. He is also a licensed psychologist and a founder and current Executive Director of AGUILAS, an award-winning program for Latinx LGBTQ+. Of Puerto Rican decent, he has received numerous distinguished awards and citations, including being named a Fellow of 12 divisions of the American Psychological Association.

    Nuestra Voz
    Published on March 7, 2024