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    Message to the Members of the Golden Gate Business Association From the GGBA Board of Directors

    (Editor’s Note: In late June, on the Friday before Pride weekend 2024 in San Francisco, the San Francisco Chronicle and other media outlets reported that Tony Archuleta-Perkins—then the President of the Golden Gate Business Association (GGBA) and Treasurer of the LGBTQ+ Real Estate Alliance, SF Chapter—was indicted on federal charges of embezzlement totaling over $1.2 million. He was released on a $500,000 bond, according to the Chronicle, and his next court appearance is scheduled for July 31. The GGBA sent the San Francisco Bay Times, along with other association members, the following letter, which we share in its entirety here.)

    Dear Members, 

    The Golden Gate Business Association (GGBA) first became aware of the allegations against Tony Archuleta-Perkins and his indictment on June 29 when the local news broke the story. The Board immediately accepted the resignation of Mr. Archuleta-Perkins from the position of President and removed all of his financial- and decision-making powers.

    The Board subsequently appointed GGBA board member Nancy J. Geenen to the role of acting President. Ms. Geenen and other Board Members have been working with Mr. Archuleta-Perkins in a limited role to ensure administration of the organization is fully transferred.

    While there is no evidence or allegation of impropriety at GGBA, the Board takes the nature of this unrelated indictment seriously. Acting out of prudence and caution, we have launched a full audit and investigation of GGBA finances. This audit will be completed by an independent third party and is expected to take several months. The results will be shared with our members.

    This is a trying time for our Board, our GGBA members, and others who support our community. We will provide updates relevant to the audit and investigation of GGBA finances as they become available. We will not comment on the indictment or the status of Mr. Archuleta-Perkins. We encourage our members and other stakeholders who have questions or concerns to contact Ms. Geenen at

    We thank everyone who has reached out to the Board with messages of support.

    Your GGBA Board of Directors

    Golden Gate Business Association
    Published on July 11, 2024