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    Mindie Dodson

    I am Mindie Dodson, holder of a San Francisco Dykes on Bikes® Women’s Motorcycle Contingent patch earned in 2009. 

    It felt like the task to become a patch-holder had taken forever. Riding across the bay, lane splitting, in conditions at times windy and rainy, starting over on attending required meetings due to food poisoning … these were only a couple of the hurdles to what would become over a decade of volunteerism and camaraderie with sisters who ride iron ponies.  

    Facing danger wasn’t a requirement of being a member, it came with riding a motorcycle. The challenges were self-inflicted opportunities to grow, prevail, continue the longevity of the Dykes on BikesÒ, and be a role model in the LGBTQIA community.

    Being a member of this iconic not-for-profit organization has allowed me to help raise awareness and money for folks in need, many I would never meet. Working with Soni Wolf, Kate Brown, and many others I respect and honor helped me to become chairs in parade registration, lineup, and executive board membership, as well as to serve as Treasurer, and President.  

    Orchestrating kickoff of the San Francisco Pride Parade and being a member of the Motorcycle Safety Team with AIDS/LifeCycle are two of the ways I have made myself visible with queers and their allies with Dykes on Bikes®. If you are a female who wants to bloom in your talents to a worthy charity, being shy is OK; let your bike be what makes you roar.

    Dykes on Bikes: Tales from Two Wheels
    Published on October 20, 2022