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    My Vision for a San Francisco We Can All Be Proud Of

    Daniel Lurie
    Photos courtesy of Daniel Lurie Campaign

    By Daniel Lurie–

    Every year, San Francisco’s Pride celebrations are a beautiful demonstration of the very best of our city—love, pride in who we are, and acceptance. We were the first city to legalize gay marriage and elect an openly gay official. As the birthplace of the pride flag, we have set an example of equality for cities worldwide. But while San Franciscans have much to be proud of, we cannot grow complacent. The siege on LGBTQ+ rights and the vilification of our queer communities aren’t just happening in Republican states. Even here in San Francisco, our queer communities, especially trans women of color, are facing hostility.

    I was recently approached at a coffee shop and asked, “What will you do to protect my community?” They were referring to Michelle Henry, a trans woman who was brutally and senselessly murdered in May. My response to this murder? We simply cannot allow hate to find safe haven in San Francisco. We must fiercely protect our LGBTQ+ community and the values that make us proud to call this city our home.

    Daniel Lurie on stage during a Harvey Milk LGBTQ Democratic Club event

    Whether it’s ensuring LGBTQ+ representation in my administration, budgetary decisions that support the Castro, backfilling HIV funding, addressing the behavioral health crisis in our neighborhoods, or rapidly sheltering the unhoused (who are disproportionately gay and trans)—there’s more that must be done. Growing up around Levi’s, I remember hearing my stepfather talk about championing equality, long before it was in vogue. We provided equal rights for our LGBTQ+ employees before it was required by law and we were front and center in the AIDS crisis in the eighties.

    To support this marquee San Francisco community, we must maintain a city we can all be proud to call home. You can read about my priorities
    (, but here are my specific commitments to the LGBTQ+ community: Public Safety

    San Francisco has been a safe haven for marginalized communities, but we must do more to protect those under attack. As mayor, I will work with the LGBTQ+ community to implement strong policies against violence and discrimination. With hate crimes increasing, I will urge our District Attorney to prosecute them fully. We must enhance protections for the transgender community and ensure victims feel supported to report incidents.

    I will advocate for data system reforms to accurately capture crime details, ensuring accountability. Additionally, I will ensure the necessary resources and mental health services are widely accessible.

    Comprehensive Healthcare and HIV/AIDS Support 43 years ago, the first cases of AIDS were reported. During those dark times, our city became a beacon of hope and resilience. Communities came together to support one another, healthcare providers worked tirelessly on the frontlines, and activists fought bravely for visibility and resources. The legacy of compassion and strength that emerged from that crisis continues to define San Francisco’s spirit today.

    As mayor, I am committed to investing in comprehensive HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, and support. Every San Francisco mayor has backfilled Republican-driven cuts to federal HIV funding, and we cannot stop now. With a $14.6 billion budget, a few hundred thousand dollars is a small but vital investment, especially at a time when the City Hall insiders I’m running against continue to fund unaccountable programs that fail to deliver results. My administration will also ensure that all decisions about gender-affirming care are made between patients and doctors, upholding dignity and respect for all.

    Daniel Lurie visits the Castro

    Revitalizing the Castro Corridor and LGBTQ+ Nightlife

    Cultural districts like the Castro, Leather, and Trans districts are woven into the fabric of San Francisco’s identity. To revitalize our small business corridors, we need to first address public safety and cleanliness. San Franciscans and our small businesses deserve to see clean and safe streets 365 days a year, not just when a conference or world leader is in town.
    At the beginning of this year, I released a comprehensive plan to tackle our drug and mental health crises. As mayor, I will declare a fentanyl state of emergency to cut through bureaucracy, mobilize city resources, and secure state and federal funds.

    We will address these crises so small businesses can operate safely without fearing break-ins or being forced to close early. Additionally, I will support small businesses by raising the business tax eligibility threshold, lowering taxes for smaller enterprises, eliminating unnecessary fees, and streamlining the permitting process. This will foster the growth of vibrant, LGBTQ+-friendly nightlife and events.

    Homelessness Among LGBTQ+ Youth

    38 percent of San Francisco’s homeless youth identify as LGBTQ+. As a father, this number is heartbreaking. My administration will prioritize housing for young people, especially transgender youth. At Tipping Point, we partnered with organizations like Larkin Street, and I will do the same as mayor to increase access to housing, education, and employment resources.

    I am committed to building at least 1,500 shelter beds in my first six months in office. This includes specialized sites for populations with specific needs, ensuring everyone’s unique circumstances are accommodated.

    Senior LGBTQ+ Housing

    Many older LGBTQ+ individuals face unique challenges and often age alone. As mayor, I will prioritize securing funding for the affordable senior LGBTQ+ housing project at 1939 Market Street and getting construction across the finish line. My City Hall Accountability Plan ( will expedite housing permits and eliminate bureaucratic hurdles, ensuring that housing is available for everyone, especially the most vulnerable.

    Supporting Trans Youth

    Transgender and gender-nonconforming individuals are under attack nationwide, and San Francisco must remain a sanctuary. As mayor, I will expand access to mental health services for LGBTQ+ youth to receive the support needed to thrive. I will firmly oppose all forms of discrimination, providing safe spaces for trans students and individuals facing hostility.
    San Francisco has always been a trailblazer of acceptance, a place where people can live freely without fear of being punished for simply being who they are. We flew the pride flag loud and proud long before it was widely embraced. As your next mayor, I’m committed to being a strong ally and building on our legacy.

    Daniel Lurie, a candidate for the mayor of San Francisco in the 2024 election, is the Founder and former CEO of Tipping Point Community.

    Published on June 27, 2024