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    Never Alone Mural at Maitri Completed Despite Graffiti Attacks, Unveiling Planned for April

    Maitri Compassionate Care, a residential care facility in San Francisco’s Duboce Triangle neighborhood, is proud to announce the completion of their Never Alone mural by artist Serge Gay Jr.

    The mural is meant to tell the story of Maitri and the broader HIV/AIDS pandemic depicting a diverse community coming together to support one another. First announced in June 2021, work on the mural began in January 2022.

    The work took longer than expected as the mural became the target of repeated graffiti. Two large portraits of people of color were the most frequent targets, leading to artist Gay feeling as if he and his art were being “personally targeted” by the vandal.

    Despite the setbacks, Maitri staff and clients are ecstatic about the end result of the mural. “I think it’s beautiful! It shows the story of Maitri and the wonderful diversity of our community of support and clients,” said Maitri Executive Director Michael Armentrout.

    A mural unveiling event is currently being planned for mid-April. For more information, contact Maitri’s Development Director Tomas Moreno at

    Published on March 24, 2022