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    Transgender Awareness: All the Days

    Transgender Awareness: All the Days

    We recently observed Transgender Awareness Week (November 14–20), but being trans aware should not just be limited to a single week. We therefore are devoting our column now to the…

    Time for the Supreme Court to Establish Full Constitutional Protection for LGBT People

    Time for the Supreme Court to Establish Full Constitutional Protection for LGBT People

    Last week’s Sixth Circuit federal appellate court decision permitting Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee to continue to discriminate against loving, committed LGBT couples in marriage makes clear that the time…

    What a Difference a Decade Makes: The 10 Year Anniversary of the Marriage Caravan

    What a Difference a Decade Makes: The 10 Year Anniversary of the Marriage Caravan

    Ten years ago this month, Marriage Equality USA leaders decided to channel the seemingly boundless energy of the San Francisco Winter of Love into a nationwide bus tour—the Marriage Equality…

    There’s No Place Like Home

    There’s No Place Like Home

    Like the twister that transported Dorothy’s house to Oz 75 years ago, a tornado of love and equality has swept away numerous states’ bans on marriage for LGBT couples over…

    What a Difference a Quarter Century Makes

    What a Difference a Quarter Century Makes

    With the issue of marriage equality now before the United States Supreme Court, it is important to look at how far the LGBT movement has come over the last quarter…

    Heading Toward the Supremes

    Heading Toward the Supremes

    All eyes will be on Washington later this month, as the United States Supreme Court has announced that on September 29, they will consider whether to hear one or more…

    Loving and Living the Questions

    Loving and Living the Questions

    Never before has the legal case for nationwide marriage equality seemed stronger than at the recent Federal Court of Appeal’s argument in the Indiana and Wisconsin marriage cases. For nearly…

    Stunning Day in Court for Marriage Equality

    Stunning Day in Court for Marriage Equality

    Never before has the legal case for nationwide marriage equality seemed stronger than at the recent Federal Court of Appeal’s argument in the Indiana and Wisconsin marriage cases. For nearly…

    On the Road to LGBT Equality in Japan

    On the Road to LGBT Equality in Japan

    Imagine living as an LGBT person in a country of over 120 million people where sexual expression between individuals of the same gender has essentially never been criminalized, where no…

    Love Around the World

    Love Around the World

    On our recent trip to Japan to speak on LGBTGQ rights and marriage equality, we had the honor of addressing the crowd at Pink Dot Okinawa, a wonderful event with…