In my previous column, I noted that I was about to get married. I hope you’ll forgive my ongoing self-indulgence as I write about my nuptials once more. One’s own…
The latest California public opinion poll shows record support for marriage equality — 64% of likely voters and 61% percent of all adults. This news made us realize how wonderful…
Sister Dana Sez, “There’s been a lot of talk about whether Congress will pass a budget by the end of this month – or instead, as some Repugnicans have called…
White smoke wafts from the concert hall. After a year-long search and a finalists’ concert series, the San Francisco Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band has chosen Pete Nowlen, director of concert bands…
All summer long, it has been amazing to see the marriage map changing day by day as weddings performed by county clerks in New Mexico and Pennsylvania have proven once…
Sister Dana sez, “Let’s stop focusing on Anthony Weiner’s reDICKulous adDICKtion to exposing his wiener, and instead concentrate on getting openly lesbian progressive Christine Quinn elected the first gay Big…
August brings with it more wedding bells, as equal marriage rights take effect in Minnesota and Rhode Island, and more and more couples marry in California. It’s a great feeling…
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