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    Love Is Winning in Japan

    Love Is Winning in Japan

    By Stuart Gaffney and John Lewis– When we were first invited to Japan to speak about marriage equality and LGBTIQ rights seven years ago, we asked those in attendance at…

    The Equality Act: ‘Equal Dignity in the Eyes of the Law’

    The Equality Act: ‘Equal Dignity in the Eyes of the Law’

    By Stuart Gaffney and John Lewis– Seventeen years ago this month—February 2004—San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom made history when he burst open the doors of City Hall for LGBTIQ couples…

    Pete Buttigieg and the ‘Damned Lesbian’

    Pete Buttigieg and the ‘Damned Lesbian’

    By Stuart Gaffney and John Lewis– When Pete Buttigieg won Senate confirmation last week becoming the first openly gay member of the Cabinet, our thoughts immediately turned to the first…

    Time to Multi-Task for LGBTIQ Rights

    Time to Multi-Task for LGBTIQ Rights

    By Stuart Gaffney and John Lewis– Now that the Biden-Harris administration has taken office, there’s no time to waste to reverse the last four years of backsliding and to make…

    Treasuring Our LGBTIQ Community Amidst a Crisis in Democracy

    Treasuring Our LGBTIQ Community Amidst a Crisis in Democracy

    By Stuart Gaffney and John Lewis– As we began to settle from the shock of the January 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, we were surprised that one of our…

    San Francisco Bay Times Team Sings “Jingle Bells” (SF Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band Dance-Along Nutcracker 2020)

    San Francisco Bay Times Team Sings “Jingle Bells” (SF Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band Dance-Along Nutcracker 2020)

    Members of the San Francisco Bay Times sing “Jingle Bells” as part of the San Francisco Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band’s (SFLGFB) Dance-Along Nutcracker for 2020: The Nutcracker Express! If you are…

    202Q: Two Moons Over America?

    202Q: Two Moons Over America?

    By John Lewis– On an early September evening several months ago, I opened my eyes from meditation and gazed out our back window at a hauntingly beautiful half-moon, glowing orange…

    A Queer Pandemic Metamorphosis

    A Queer Pandemic Metamorphosis

    By John Lewis– “Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams to find he had been transformed into a gigantic cockroach.” So reads the first sentence of Franz Kafka’s 1915…

    Kamala Harris: Marching to the Beat of a Different Drum Major

    Kamala Harris: Marching to the Beat of a Different Drum Major

    By John Lewis– As I skimmed through my yearbook at my 40th high school reunion a few years ago, I stumbled upon my friend and fellow band member Marilyn Grant’s…

    Don’t Harm People in the Name of Religion

    By Stuart Gaffney and John Lewis– “Don’t Kill Innocent People in the Name of Religion.” So read a wall mural in Kolkata, India, which we happened upon when we were…