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    Poet in Residence: Kit Kennedy

    Kit Kennedy is the Poet-in-Residence of the San Francisco Bay Times and at her church Ebenezer Lutheran. She has published 5 poetry collections, and for the past several years she has hosted the poetry series at Gallery Café. For more information, please visit her blog:


    Images by Stacy Boorn

    Stir, Rise Up, Move Forward

    The kitchen is the heart
    of intention. Stir the root
    soup, the senses rise up
    the tongue moves forward
    away from hunger.

    Like wildflowers, soup is never
    singular. Full of this-and-that
    coming together to feed mouth
    to fuel memory.

    Who doubts the sea is a place
    of raw hunger and beauty?
    Waves push pebbles into luster,
    that treasured sea glass
    your lover gave you.

    Ah, yes, the moon. She rises.
    She changes. Sliver-slim into
    the fullness of promise. A kiss,
    savored. You swear on her light
    there will be another harvest.

    Sometimes soil is barren & fields
    fallow. But life is stirring with
    many eyes, many hands, many
    voices ready to protect & celebrate.
    Rise up. Move forward. Harvest.

     – Kit Kennedy

