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    Pride Quotes from Famous Queers & Awesome Allies

    By Liam P. Mayclem–

    “I know that you cannot live on hope alone, but without it, life is not worth living. And you … gotta give ’em hope.”
    —Harvey Milk

    Pride Month in San Francisco is one of my favorite times of the year and there is no place I would rather be for the month than the city by the bay, the place I call home. Seeing Gilbert Baker’s rainbow flag displayed proudly along Market Street and in store fronts and homes all around us fills me with hope, and yes, pride.

    I attended my first Pride in 1994 soon after moving to San Francisco. A year later I was riding in a car with my QTV team. We were actually in the parade and I beamed broadly and proudly every inch of the route. I even shed a few tears; it was so moving seeing nothing but joy and smiles and cheers of acceptance as we made our way up Market Street. It was a magical day. It’s true that every queen loves a parade!

    Over the years I have been lucky enough to interview my Queer heroes and allies. I have enjoyed more “pinch me bum” moments than I truly deserve. I do not take them lightly, and the best part is that I get to share those moments on radio and TV and with San Francisco Bay Times readers. I delved deep into my interview archive and found fun quotes from some of my favorite Queer people and awesome allies: from music icon David Bowie, whom I interviewed for ZDTV in 1999, to Pink, whom I hosted on the Williams-Sonoma Culinary Stage at BottleRock Napa Valley last month.

    Legendary Bay Area authors like Alice Walker and Armistead Maupin touched our hearts and minds with their words. Then there are the community icons who paved the way for a generation like Cleve Jones, Kate Kendell, former State Senator Mark Leno, and Sister Roma. How lucky are we to still have them among us leading and steering the way? We owe our fearless fighters so much. For now, a huge, heartfelt thank you for your fighting spirit, for your quotes, and words to live by.

    On Saturday, June 25, I will perform as Auctioneer at the Pride Brunch 2022 by Donna Sachet & Gary Virginia benefiting PRC.

    I hope to see you on Pride Sunday, June 26! I am thrilled to pieces that the entire city will be celebrating SF Pride together, in person once again. It will be more festive than ever. We need this. We need to be loud and proud! I will be walking proudly in the parade with the San Francisco Bay Times.

    Then, on the afternoon of June 26, starting at 2 pm, I will be hosting the sold-out Stern Grove Festival Pride Sunday concert with music guests Liz Phair, Madi Diaz, Peaches Christ, and DJ Lady Ryan.

    On Pride Sunday there is also one party I never miss, yes, Juanita MORE!’s Pride party at 620 Jones, this year benefiting Q Foundation.

    “Love, Love, Love is all you need,” to quote The Beatles. Happy Pride!

    Alice Walker
    “No person is your friend who demands your silence or denies your right to grow.”

    Anderson Cooper
    “I think being gay is a blessing and it’s something I am thankful for every single day.”

    David Bowie
    “We are here to be fully expressed. Is there any other way to be?”

    California State Senator (2008–2016) Mark Leno
    “Pride is remembering from where we came and knowing where we yet need to go.”

    Chaz Bono
    “I’ve been embraced by a new community. That’s what happens when you’re finally honest about who you are; you find others like you.”

    Jimmy Somerville
    Liam: Do you have a song by another artist that fills you with Pride?
    Jimmy: “Mighty Real” by Sylvester—the live version recorded here in San Francisco. It gives me goosebumps.

    Martha Stewart
    “I’ve been to a lot of gay weddings. They are always fabulous. When I am invited, I am always impressed as they (the wedding couple) clearly up their game.”

    Quentin Crisp
    Liam: Are you a practicing homosexual?
    Quentin: No. I am already perfect.

    Sting (regarding Quentin Crisp)
    “If ‘manners maketh’ man, as someone said,
    He’s the hero of the day.
    It takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile.
    Be yourself no matter what they say.”

    Lionel Richie
    Liam: May I kiss you?
    Lionel: Yes, if you promise to listen to my new CD.

    Sister Roma
    “Pride to me is a celebration of our vibrant, colorful community and a political statement of strength and solidarity. Despite attempts to silence us, dehumanize us, and even criminalize us, we clap back with a powerful loud and proud Pride Parade and celebration that love wins every time.”

    Laverne Cox
    “We are not what other people say we are. We are who we know ourselves to be, and we are what we love.”

    Armistead Maupin
    “My only regret about being gay is that I repressed it for so long.”

    Cleve Jones
    “Gay rights are human rights.”

    Chef Dominique Crenn
    “Be true to yourself and keep dancing.”

    Andy Bell (of Erasure)
    Liam; What is the Pride Parade to you?
    Andy: My life is a Pride Parade. Almost every day I go to work it’s like a parade. I feel so bloody lucky.

    Pink (while at BottleRock Napa Valley)
    Pink: I love my gays and my gay bars. Do you know The Cock?
    Liam: Yes, love. I am most familiar with the cock (chuckles). It’s my favorite bar in New York.
    Pink: I learned what it means to be part of a community in my days hanging in gay bars.

    Emmy Award-winning radio and television personality Liam Mayclem is regularly featured on KPIX as well as KCBS, where he is the popular Foodie Chap. Born in London, Mayclem is now at home in the Bay Area, where he lives with his husband, photographer Rick Camargo. For more information:

    Published on June 23, 2022