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    Rainbow World Fund Creates Emergency Fund Supporting LGBTQ Ukrainians

    By Jeff Cotter–

    Rainbow World Fund (RWF) stands in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. During this crisis, already vulnerable LGBTQ+ Ukrainians are even more at risk to be further marginalized and scapegoated. We are funding the evacuation of members of the LGBTQ+ community from Kyiv, Kharkiv, and other cities to Lviv and Poland. RWF funds are also being used to provide for humanitarian aid needs related to the circumstances of the war—food, emergency supplies, medical, communication, transportation, and stipends for individual financial support.

    Our funds will support Fulcrum and Insight in Ukraine. Both organizations are functioning in emergency mode.

    Fulcrum is one of the largest LGBTQ+ human rights organizations in Ukraine. Fulcrum works within the queer community to achieve greater civil freedoms and security.

    Insight has been helping transgender people in Ukraine for 10 years. They provide psychological, legal, and medical help and assistance transgender people. They also focus on the needs of lesbian and bisexual women.

    This is a time to remember who we really are—to call upon the better angels of our nature, to respond with courage, compassion, and generosity. We know that the LGBTQ+ community will respond with mighty efforts that will promote the well-being of our global family in Ukraine. This effort will provide needed aid and foster a shared hope that is essential to our survival, our healing, and humanity.

    Please be part of the LGBTQ+ community’s response. 100% of the donations that RWF receives for Ukraine will fund life-saving actions. Specify “Ukraine Emergency Fund” when you donate online ( ) or when you send a check to Rainbow World Fund, 4111 18th Street, San Francisco, CA 94114.

    RWF is committed to ensuring that all LGBTQ+ people are accepted fully wherever they live, and that the world will see that our community is one of peace, hope, and love. 

    Jeff Cotter is the Founder and Executive Director of Rainbow World Fund.

    Published on March 24, 2022