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    Reimagining Gayborhoods and Home

    Home is the starting place of love, hope, and dreams. It is a feeling and not necessarily a physical location, but finding a place to live that can offer you comfort and community may benefit everything from your health to your ability to achieve personal goals to enhancing your overall quality of life.
    Have you found your ideal home yet? If not, 2023 could present that opportunity. A nurturing home environment is all the more important for those of us in the LGBTQ community who might not otherwise feel fully accepted at work and in other social environments. “Gayborhoods” like the Castro, Guerneville in Sonoma County, and the Tower District in Fresno will hold longstanding appeal for many over the long term. Thinking beyond such known destinations may also be a necessity due to cost considerations, your particular needs, and other factors.

    Sometimes areas have a very large LGBTQ population and yet are not labeled as such. Parts of Montclair in Oakland and neighborhoods around Park Boulevard, also in the East Bay city, can feel like lesbian central on Farmers’ Market days and at certain other hubs, for example. For those who are on a quest to find a better home, we present guidance from some of Northern California’s leading LGBTQ realtors and allies, along with community members who enjoy where they live. It is important that you not feel trapped in your present situation, despite how overwhelming
    financial and other limitations may seem.

    So, with the new year well underway, do not forget what may be the most important resolution of all. It will require more than the proverbial Wizard of Oz heel clicks to pursue, but once you succeed, there’s truly no place like home.

    Published on January 12, 2023