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    Rink Throwback: Kamala Harris

    San Francisco Bay Times lead photographer Rink has photographed Kamala Harris since the early 2000s at the start of her political career. Over the next several issues we will feature some of those images of the now Vice President and U.S. presidential candidate.

    Her ability to exude and spark joy was evident from the start and on display in 2019 as she rode down Market Street in a hot red convertible with her husband as well as Proposition 8 plaintiffs Kris Perry and Sandy Tier during the San Francisco Pride Parade. Sporting a now iconic “Bedazzled” rainbow sequined denim jacket, Harris said that she was “celebrating equality and diversity and the fact that we still have a fight ahead. We’re all committed to fighting equal rights and civil rights and no one should be made to fight alone.”

    She greeted starstruck paradegoers before speaking at City Hall. There she said, in part, “After we defeated Proposition 8, I was so proud to come right back here to San Francisco City Hall and perform the first marriage of Kris Perry and Sandy Stier. We did all that together and so now what is our job then? Our job is to celebrate our success and rededicate ourselves to the fight, because we still have a fight before us.”

    As for that famous jacket, Harris’ press secretary at the time tweeted that the oversized item was from Levi’s. Harris also wore a black t-shirt with “PRIDE” in matching rainbow sequins. Meena Harris posted a short video, where she called out, “Auntie!” and captured the jacket’s incredible sparkle. That and other related clips are at

    Rink’s Throwback
    Published on August 22, 2024