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    Artist Phillip Hua’s Magnificent New Solo Show in SF

    Artist Phillip Hua’s Magnificent New Solo Show in SF

    By John Lewis and Stuart Gaffney– Twenty years ago, police arrested John Lawrence and Tyron Garner in bed together in Houston, Texas, for the state law crime of “homosexual conduct.”…

    Celebrating the Tenth Anniversary of the Beginning of California Marriage Equality

    Celebrating the Tenth Anniversary of the Beginning of California Marriage Equality

    By John Lewis and Stuart Gaffney– This week marks the tenth anniversary of the California Supreme Court’s historic May 15, 2008, ruling establishing marriage equality in California before Proposition 8.…

    ‘Chinese Stuart’ and ‘Chinese Tom’: Every Label Tells a Story

    ‘Chinese Stuart’ and ‘Chinese Tom’: Every Label Tells a Story

    By Stuart Gaffney– May is Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, and this year I’ve been reflecting on what it was like to attend summer camp in Wisconsin in the early…

    A Fantastic New Exhibit and Book About Our Shared Humanity: – 15 years of the hapa project

    A Fantastic New Exhibit and Book About Our Shared Humanity: – 15 years of the hapa project

    By Stuart Gaffney How many times has a stranger on the street asked you the question, “What are you?”—as if you looked like you were from outer space? In fact,…

    The Untold Story of the Robert Kennedy Funeral Train

    The Untold Story of the Robert Kennedy Funeral Train

    By John Lewis– It was 8 am on the morning of June 5, 1968. I was 9 years old and sat at the kitchen table in our house in Kansas…

    It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way: Marching for Our Lives

    It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way: Marching for Our Lives

    By John Lewis– When I learned about the upcoming “March for Our Lives” to end gun violence and shootings in schools, I reflected back on when gun violence first affected…

    The Power of Being Extraordinarily Ordinary

    The Power of Being Extraordinarily Ordinary

    By John Lewis– On my first day of law school 35 years ago, each member of my small group section of twenty students was asked as part of an ice-breaker…

    Time for ‘Me Too’ in Women’s Healthcare

    Time for ‘Me Too’ in Women’s Healthcare

    By John Lewis It’s Lunar New Year, and every year at this time our thoughts turn to our cousin Jackie, one of Stuart’s cousins on the Chinese side of the…

    What Is the Sound of Two Hands Clapping?

    What Is the Sound of Two Hands Clapping?

    By John Lewis– Perhaps the most famous Zen koan (a seemingly nonsensical or paradoxical question that Zen students are instructed to contemplate) is the koan: “What is the sound of…

    Major Advance for Marriage Equality and Gender Identity Rights in Latin America

    Major Advance for Marriage Equality and Gender Identity Rights in Latin America

    By Stuart Gaffney and John Lewis– Two weeks ago, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights issued a path-breaking decision in favor of marriage equality and an individual’s right to self-determination…