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    Sister Dana sez, “DORE ‘UP YOUR ALLEY’ STREET FAIR is right around the corner…”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity, Words of Wisdumb from a Fun Nun–

    Sister Dana sez, “DORE ‘UP YOURALLEY’ STREET FAIR is rightaround the corner. You don’t HAVE tobe into leather or latex or BDSM—butit helps! Come dressed to express!”

    UP YOUR ALLEY is coming up on Sunday, July 28! This annual event has been around for 30 years, and it has grown from a small party on Ringold Street in the mid-1980s to a gathering of more than12,000 people on Folsom between 9th and11th Streets including Dore Street. There will be live music, go-go dancers, performances and demos, food trucks, beverages for sale, vendors to shop, and more!

    On July 14, I was thrilled to attend the closing ceremony of the impressive, immense, three-dimensional paintings of a dozen of us Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence by Deidre De Franceaux and the huge, stunning photography of famous drag queens and LGBTQ folx by Gooch that were proudly on display at the 1275 Minnesota Street Project art gallery. I attended—as requested by the artist—in full-tilt rainbow pride nun drag to match the gigantic6’6” 3D depiction of Sister Dana the Rainbow Nun.

    Artist Deidre DeFranceaux and subject Sister Dana
    at the Minnesota Street Project Closing Nite
    Photo by Chris Michaelson

    A mere 48 hours after the Trump assassination attempt, on July 15 at the RNC in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, T-rump was declared the GOP candidate for presidency for the third time, and Ohio Senator(for just 18 months) J.D. Vance was chosen as his Veep candidate. Keep in mind that J.D. has recently publicly praised the fearsomely autocratic “Project 2025.” Here’swhat the BIDEN-HARRIS CAMPAIGN immediately brilliantly responded with: “Donald Trump picked J.D. Vance as his running mate because Vance will do what Mike Pence wouldn’t on January 6: bend over backwards to enable Trump and his extreme MAGA agenda, even if it means breaking the law—and no matter the harm to the American people.”

    President Biden spoke energetically, eloquently, and inspirationally at the NAACP CONVENTION in Las Vegas on July 16.There he additionally addressed the issue of violence, when he emphasized, “Our politics has gotten too heated in this country. We all have the responsibility to lower the temperature and condemn violence in any form!” He added that we must remember we are not enemies and that we are all fellow Americans. He urged, “Givehate no safe harbor!” And Biden pointed out that cooling political rhetoric does not mean he will stop telling the truth about Trump.

    And just for fun, let’s look back at those extremely negative, vitriolic, and pejorative comments about DarnOld Trump that James David Vance has made in the past—before suddenly smooching the Orange Turd in a total turnaround of supreme sycophancy: “his rhetoric is abhorrence,” “an idiot,” “idiot if you voted for him,” “terrible candidate,” “unqualified, ”unfit for our nation’s highest office, ”noxious,” “I can’t stomach Trump,” “he’s leading the white working class to a very dark place,” “total fraud,” “reprehensible, ”never liked him,” “opiate of the masses, ”cultural heroin,” “cynical a-hole,” “America’s Hitler,” and that Vance was “a never-Trump guy” and would vote for Hillary Clinton rather than Trump in 2016. Sister Dana sez, “My, how Vance has now quickly eaten those words! Apparently, these days it’s okay to un-say!”

    Of course, Vance began stating that the awful assassination attempt was the fault of President Joe Biden and his administration—which could not be falser. Biden has stressed over and over that violence is never the answer for America! Biden has called Vance “the perfect clone of Trump”—although J.D. is even more extreme and further right of the Donald. Note that Trump has admitted that Biden’s phone call to Trump right after the terrorist murder attempt “was very nice. He couldn’t have been nicer.” That will be the “nicest” thing we will ever hear DJT say about JRB.

    President Biden and the terrible Trump kept being deadlocked in the polls. President Biden, in a nearly hour-long appearance on July 11, gave no indication then that he would consider dropping out—and made the case that the “gravity of the situation “at hand called for experience. But on July 21, Biden passed the torch tohis Vice President Kamala Harris. Asa fellow San Franciscan, I am proud to cite her impressive résumé:

    • 2004: sworn in as the SF District Attorney;
    • January 2011, sworn in as California Attorney General and re-elected in November 2014;
    • November 2016: she won a seat as U.S. Senator replacing Barbara Boxer and was sworn in January 2017;
    • she was a January 2019 candidate for President and in December 2019 withdrew from the 2020 Presidential Primary;
    • in March 2020 she endorsed Biden for President;
    • and in November 2020 she was elected United States Vice President.

    If that ain’t experience—what is?

    At his July 21 afternoon stepping-down, Biden stated, “I have decided not to accept the nomination and to focus all my energies on my duties as President for the remainder of my term. My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my Vice President. And it’s been the best decision I’ve made. Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year. Democrats—it’s time to come together and beat Trump!”

    Harris immediately stated, “I am honored to have the President’s endorsement, and my intention is to earn and win this nomination. “She added, “I will do everything in my power to unite the Democratic Party—and unite our nation—to defeat Donald Trump and his extreme Project 2025 agenda.”

    And after aging autocrat Trump’s boring, rambling, lying, exhausting, 93 minutes-long speech at the July 18 Convention, how dare we think Trump is a threat to any Democratic candidate?! Sister Dana sez, “Now we can stop the unnecessary nitpicking, hand-wringing, and bed-wetting about the coming November Election and Biden’s age. Kamala Harris WILL lead the overly-nervous Democratic Congress people into a Blue Victory and into saving our precious democracy!” But as we go to press, politics ain’t static. Polls rollercoaster up and down. Shift happens. Just let it be known that I have always adored Joe and Kamala!

    Public libraries are under attack by Republicans who want to censor books and rewrite history. I’m so grateful for brave librarians who fight back against these bans! But, nevertheless, Republicans like Ron DeSantis (Duh Santis) are relentlessly attacking librarians and banning books that discuss race, LGBTQ, and women’s issues. This has got to stop! However, FABULOSABOOKS at 489 Castro Street can orderbooks to donate—sending to the scary red states for you.

    Over 200 singing members of the SANFRANCISCO GAY MEN’S CHORUS—including Homo Phonics and The Lollipop Guild—brought their voices and passion to the 2024 GALA CHORUSESFESTIVAL in Minneapolis, Minnesota. From July 11–14 that city came alive with200 electrifying concerts from 112 choirs, featuring LGBTQ international choruses,youth choruses, local choirs, and GALA ensembles. SFGMC closed out the conferences as one of the founding GALA choruses and forbearer of the gay choral movement. Anyone could purchase a GALA Festival2024 Streaming Pass to let the power of the music ignite their senses!

    And congratulations to SFGMC’s Michael Tate, who was the recipient of the Heritage Award, honoring the individual who demonstrates exceptional commitment to the mission and vision of GALA Choruses, Inc. The Heritage Award recipient has had a meaningful impact on the direction and future of GALA Choruses, is a notable leader, and is recognized by peers and colleagues as a person of strong moral character, generosity, dignity, and vision. Sister Dana sez, “I have known Michael through decades of covering SFGMC, and he is also lovable and hilarious!”

    Excellent news: THE SAFETY ACT has been signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom. Governor Newsom has demonstrated his unwavering commitment to the LGBTQ community by signing this critical bill into law. With this landmark legislation, California will strengthen protections for LGBTQ youth in schools, protect educators who create safe and affirming classrooms, and provide resources for LGBTQ youth and their families to have conversations about identity on their own terms and at their own pace. Gratitude goes to Assemblymember Chris Ward for introducing this bill, to the Legislative LGBTQ Caucus for their leadership, and to other legislative allies and coalition partners who lined up to show their support. LGBTQ youth across our state can now breathe a sigh of relief knowing that they’re protected from being forcibly outed without their consent.

    Judge (if we can even call her such) Aileen Cannon has DISMISSED the entire Classified Documents case to SAVE Trump’s orange ass from jail. Trump MUST face consequences, and we can’t let his MAGA cronies like Cannon break the rules and bend the truth to prop him up any longer. MSNBC-TV’s Lawrence O’Donnell has warned us that Trump could reward Cannon with a spot on the Supreme Court if he wins in November. It would be a DISASTER! Sister Dana sez, “She should be disbarred! Fire the Cannon! Boom!”

    It is good news that President Biden is finally weighing the possibility of some major Supreme Court reforms. These include term limits for justices, expansion, and an enforceable Code of Ethics. U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had already introduced “Articles of Impeachment” on July 10 against U.S. Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito. And before that, she and Representative Jamie Raskin had introduced the “High Court Gift Ban Act” to prohibit Supreme Court justices from receiving gifts valued at more than $50, marking a significant step towards restoring faith and integrity in the embattled Roberts Court. Sister Dana sez, “Throw all the bums out—except the three true Justice Women(Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor, Ketanji Brown Jackson) who continue to fight for democracy and against MAGA autocracy! They are SUPREME; the other six are INFERIOR!”

    The SAN FRANCISCO BAY TIMES and THE ACADEMY invite you to DIVAS& DRINKS at The Academy for A Beacon of Love for SF PRIDE and a PARIS SUMMEROLYMPICS Watch Party on July 26,6–10pm, 2166 Market Street (between Sanchez and Church Streets). With Mayor Breed and other officials, we will cheer Olympians and San Francisco PRIDE leadership, since their staff and volunteers achieved a feat that is perhaps even more challenging than winning Olympic Gold: a well-attended, peaceful yet joyous “2024 Pride Parade and Festival”! THE SAN FRANCISCO PRIDEBAND and CHEER SF will help celebrate SF Pride leaders and volunteers along with we who support the San Francisco Bay Times. Emcee Donna Sachet will kick off the evening that will also include a performance by 2024 Pride Grand Marshal and American Idol star Tory Teasley and an after-party led by iHeartRadio star DJ Christie James.

    This year’s SAN FRANCISCO PRIDEPARADE AND CELEBRATION was certainly a success! As SF Pride Board President Nguyen Pham said, “We all should be proud of what we achieved this past Pride week, including our successful SF Pride weekend. Our tireless staff deserve particular flowers on a job supremely well done.” Their work at Pride continues as does the celebrating of The Beacon of Love! So join them at their APPRECIATION PARTY on June 27, 1–4 pm at the SF Eagle,398 12th Street, as they honor their volunteers and award the prize for “Best Theme Contingent” in the parade. In the running for that prize are Glide Memorial Church, Free Mom Hugs, United in Spirit, PFLAG, and Swords to Plowshares. Also visit their website to view extraordinary photo galleries from their Official Photographer Program.

    Sister Dana sez, “OLYMPICS coverage begins July 26. But why am I recalling that terrible time in 1982 when we wanted to have our proud GAY OLYMPICS—but got sued and forced to rename it to GAY GAMES?!”

    Words of Wisdumb from a Fun Nun
    Published on July 25, 2024