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    Sister Dana sez, “During this isolation, I think of ‘The Ice Cream’ sing-song, but slightly different, so sing with me: ‘I screen, you screen, we all screen too much on screens!'”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity–Words of Wisdom from a Dumb Nun–

    Sister Dana sez, “During this isolation, I think of ‘The Ice Cream’ sing-song, but slightly different, so sing with me: ‘I screen, you screen, we all screen too much on screens!'”

    “Our nation and world are in a period of upheaval right now, which will make it more important than ever to support and elect good leaders this November and into the future,” says Pete Buttigieg. “I’m pleased to share that WIN THE ERA PAC is a new way for us to make a positive impact.”

    Senator Bernie Sanders, having ended his vibrant presidential candidacy, has concluded a quest that elevated him as a standard-bearer of American liberalism. Thank you, Senator Sanders, for endorsing Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Also President Barack Obama has endorsed. So, let’s all go for Joe!

    Sister Dana sez, “It’s DISGUSTING that Trump stands in front of the American people and lies to our faces every day. It’s DISGRACEFUL that Fox News repeats every lie that comes out of Trump’s mouth. It’s DANGEROUS that these lies are spreading like wildfire to voters.”

    Senator Scott Wiener is teaming up with SF drag queen legends Sister Roma, Peaches Christ, Bebe Sweetbriar, and fellow San Francisco Bay Times columnist Donna Sachet to judge the inaugural MASKS ARE FIERCE quarantine fashion competition! They are looking for the most creative, most fiery, most fabulous masks you can rock, whether they are made with cloth, leather, silk, flannel, denim, or something else. And make sure it covers your nose and mouth, hunny! To submit, email a picture of yourself wearing your mask to before April 27.

    For those who sew, below is a link to make reusable masks for you and your friends. The mask patterns are CDC approved and can be used for non-clinical situations in order to free up medical grade masks for COVID-19 patients.

    Sister Dana sez, “I wish everyone a Happy May Day (May the 1st), and enjoy virtually dancing around your maypole!”  

    Let Julie Andrews teach you how to fight COVID-19 with The Sound of Music

    The lovable Marsh Family from the United Kingdom gives us some inspiring songs from Les Miserables:

    The cultural world is ailing. That’s why 23 arts groups have united to give $5,000 to 100 artists every week until September.

    Sister Dana sez, “PresiDense Trump effectively ousted the head of a watchdog panel overseeing how his administration spends trillions in coronavirus relief funds. So now the watchdog has no bark, let alone bite!”

    Mayor London Breed and the San Francisco Department of Public Health (DPH) have released a COVID-19 Data Tracker to provide the public with more frequently updated information about the coronavirus in San Francisco. This information is updated daily online and includes data about confirmed cases, testing, and hospitalization across the SF health care system. Additional data points will be added as more information becomes available. The tracker is posted on DPH’s website:

    Milwaukee voting locations were reduced from 180 to just 5. Voters who risked their health stood in lines for hours waiting to cast ballots. Thousands who requested absentee ballots weeks ago never got them and were disenfranchised entirely.

    Sister Dana sez, “Thousands of Wisconsin voters were forced by Republicans and Trump’s Supreme Court to choose between exercising their right to vote and keeping themselves and their neighbors safe from the coronavirus. We MUST establish voting by mail nationwide! BTW Trump admitted if we did this ‘horrible, corrupt’ process, no Republican would ever win. Bingo!”

    “BORED AS HELL” by Chris Mann is a really funny Lizzo “Hair Toss” parody about self-isolation.

    Long ago, when we had gay motorcycle clubs, I won an award for my costume and lipsynch of the Grease flick’s bad girl and Pink Lady Rizzo, imitating and mocking good girl Sandy. So, imagine my thrill when I found the fabulous Randy Rainbow doing a delightful parody of love for Sandy. And I am proud to be a Cuomosexual

    San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus (SFGMC) has announced the launch of SFGMC TV, a free online platform showcasing exciting performances, dynamic interviews, singer spotlights, and more. SFGMC TV will allow supporters to stay connected with the Chorus during the ongoing pandemic and beyond by offering content previously scheduled at the National LGBTQ Center for the Arts in a digital format.

    Sister Dana sez, “Why am I not surprised that Trump has been egging on mobs of unmasked protesters against the stay-at-home rule? Because these foolish folks are his base!”

    HRC President Alphonso David reads “SOMEDAYS,” an inspirational, quite timely poem by our gay ancestor, James Baldwin, to celebrate National Poetry Month.

    At a press conference, Dr. Anthony Fauci called out the “extraordinary stigma” gays face while standing right in front of Mike Pence, a man who has expressed a lot of anti-gay stigma before becoming Veep. Fauci praised LGBTQ people’s “strength and activism” during the HIV epidemic. Since Fauci, as one of the country’s foremost infectious diseases experts, has spent the better of his career fighting HIV, he made the connection to how that disease affected LGBTQ people. Recently, Joe Biden exhorted, “Listen to the Fauci’s of the world!”

    Sister Dana sez, “Who is not listening is Trump—threatening to halt funding for the World Health Organization (WHO). Just WHO does narcissist Trump think he is?!”

    So sad that founding San Francisco Bay Times contributor, pioneering lesbian, and civil rights activist, Phyllis Lyon, passed on. She died at age 95 of natural causes. Phyllis was always a source of great pride and joy whenever we two spoke at events I was covering for my column. “We lost a giant,” said Senator Scott Wiener. “Phyllis Lyon fought for LGBTQ equality when it was neither safe nor popular to do so. Rest in power.”

    “Phyllis changed countless lives for the better,” said Mayor London Breed. “She was at the forefront of the LGBTQ rights movement—fighting for a world in which people can marry who they love and live without fear of discrimination.” Breed continued, “Phyllis helped advance civil rights protections, created robust support networks for LGBTQ people, and established political and advocacy organizations that continue her work to this day.” On the occasion of her final birthday, numerous friends paid tribute to her at:

    The family has requested that gifts in honor of Lyon be made to Phyllis’ beloved and honored LYON-MARTIN HEALTH CLINIC

    I am so proud that THE NATIONAL AIDS MEMORIAL, home to the AIDS Memorial Quilt, through its volunteers has been making masks and donating to BAY AREA COMMUNITY SERVICES (BACS) for staff. Some of the same people who organized and helped to create the AIDS Quilt during the AIDS pandemic have been involved in helping during the coronavirus crisis. BACS has more than 350 staff doing “whatever it takes” to respond to this crisis. BACS is expert in crisis management, from nearly 70 years in the Bay Area of helping more than 100,000 people who are experiencing mental health crises, housing crises, and other crises. In the coming weeks, BACS and the Quilt volunteers have set a goal of sewing together hundreds and hundreds more masks, and making them for participants as well. Kudos to y’all!

    GLBT HISTORICAL SOCIETY presents online FIGHTING BACK: CONFRONTING THE STIGMA OF DISEASE on April 29, 6 pm. An intergenerational panel of activists and community leaders will discuss how disease leads to xenophobia and stigmatization, and will discuss what strategies used during the height of the AIDS crisis might be adapted during the coronavirus epidemic. Registration online:

    If you’re an old ACT UP activist like me, see what they are doing now during THIS crisis:

    Senator Scott Wiener has been appointed by Senator Toni Atkins (D-San Diego), Senate President pro tempore, to the newly created Special Committee on Pandemic Emergency Response. The Committee will be tasked with evaluating the state’s response to the pandemic and formulating approaches moving forward.

    For ongoing information regarding the LEATHER & LGBTQ CULTURAL DISTRICT (“San Francisco’s Leathertown!”) and many other Cultural Districts in SF, see:

    SAN FRANCISCO PRIDE, in conjunction with the Mayor’s office and relevant city agencies, made the very difficult decision to cancel the PARADE AND CELEBRATION 50th anniversary for 2020. They assure us they will be exploring other ways for our community to be seen and heard.

    MY IDENTITY: OUR HXSTORIES is an online Celebration of LYRIC ‘s 32 Years, April 29, 5:30 pm–7:30 pm. RSVP:

    INNERSPACE VIRTUALITY will benefit the artist workers of COUNTERPULSE and THE STUD. Hosted by Vivvyanne ForeverMORE! on May Day, Friday, May 1, 7–9 pm.

    Our glorious SF GAY MEN’S CHORUS sings “Brave” and “True Colors” in its first virtual chorus performance, and is dedicated to the truly brave first responders and healthcare workers on the frontlines of COVID-19.

    Co-hosts Sister Roma and I were excited to announce the winners of The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence fundraising online EASTER QUARAN-TEA contests with Hunky Jesus (stay: you slay) winner Mohawk Jesus and Foxy Mary winner Mary Vice (addressing body issues). Congratz!

    Sister Dana sez, “This self-isolation will not go on forever. Meanwhile, let’s be like bears and hibernate!”

    Published on April 23, 2020