Sister Dana sez, “On the eve of the G7, the summit’s leader, French President Macron, had noted there’s ‘a very deep crisis of democracy.’ Could he possibly have been referring to ‘the Second Coming of God,’ ‘the Chosen One,’ ‘the King of Israel’?! Surely not the ‘very stable genius’ who now bigly rules and reigns over AmeriKKKa!!!”
RUNWAY 31—GAPA Foundation‘s annual drag competition and entertainment fundraising extravaganza was held on August 24 at Herbst Theatre. GAPA Foundation provides funds and leverages resources to empower the Asian/Pacific Islander LGBTQ community. Proceeds from Runway benefited GAPA Foundation’s Student Scholarship and Community Grants programs. We were thrilled to watch contestants vie for the titles of Mr. GAPA and Miss GAPA 2019 during an exciting series of fashion, talent, and Q&A before a panel of API & LGBTQ+ community leader judges. Returning once again were co-hosts Mr. GAPA 2013 Nguyen “Sir Whitney Queers” Pham and Miss GAPA 2012 Jezebel Patel (two of the gayest of ringmasters) for this year’s theme, CIRQUE DU RUNWAY, and it certainly was the greatest show on earth! The competitors were Miss Lea Salonganisa, Mister Matthew, Miss Sushi Rollita, Mister Brandon, Miss Hennessy Williams, Mister SNJV, Miss Tommy Clifford-Carlos, Mister Nam, Miss Mo Li Hua, Mister Valentino Spencer, Miss Tracy Hilton, Mister Bobby Slay, Miss Vermicelli Versace, and Miss Mocha Fapalatte.
The results: Second Prince is Mister Matthew, First Prince is Mister Nam, and Mister SNJV is now Mr. GAPA 2019; Second Princess is Miss Lea Salonganisa, First Princess is Miss Tommy Clifford Carlos, and Miss Mocha Fapalatte is now Miss GAPA 2019, who incidentally is GAPA’s first non-binary identifying Royalty. The winning Mr. & Miss GAPA each received a crown, a sash, and a thousand bucks. They will go on for a year of appearing at events as representatives of the Gay Asian Pacific Islander (GAPA) community. Should one of them be unable to do so (or get pregnant … ha), the first prince/princess will step in.
Sister Dana sez, “Senator McConnell knows no shame—from shutting down the work of the FEC to stealing a U.S. Supreme Court seat to blocking legislation on issue after issue, including a House-passed bill to require background checks for gun purchases that’s supported by more than 90% of voters. That’s why I am so thrilled that Kentucky activists are putting up ‘Vote Mitch Out’ billboards all over the state!”
Sister Dana and a friend at the GAPA
Foundation’s Runway 31 – Cirque du Runway
at the Herbst Theater on August 24.
We were invited to THE 9TH ANNUAL GREEN FILM FESTIVAL LAUNCH PARTY on August 29 at SPUR, 654 Mission Street, a beautiful downtown Urban Center that is registered with the U.S. Green Building Council. We Joined Festival friends to celebrate the official announcement of the SAN FRANCISCO GREEN FILM FESTIVAL, September 24–29, with the motivating theme, “Change Begins at Home – Wherever That May Be.” We got a sneak peek of this year’s inspiring films, world premieres, and award winners. Plus, we were privileged to meet some of the great lineup of filmmakers and guests. SFGFF Founder and CEO Rachel Caplan was our guide.
PUSH is the Opening Night Premiere at the Castro Theatre on September 24, 7:30 pm, with a VIP party before. Director Fredrik Gertten follows the U.N. Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing around the globe as she investigates an escalating crisis in our cities. 16 Sunrises is the Closing Night Premiere at Roxie Theater on September 29, 8 pm. Director Pierre-Emmanuel Le Goff gives us 16 sunrises each day, where astronauts on the International Space Station witness a unique perspective of our home planet. And my third choice is THE AGE OF STUPID at Little Roxie, 3125 16th & Valencia, on Sept 29, 1 pm by Franny Armstrong for its 10th anniversary screening—having received the Inspiring Lives Award. In the devastated future, a man looks back at our time. Interesting note: Ten years ago, this film inspired SF Green Film Festival Founder Rachel Caplan to launch the first such Festival.
As reported in the last issue of the San Francisco Bay Times, FRAMELINE has named James Woolley, former Head of Marketing and Customer Relations at Sydney Film Festival, as the new executive director.
Sister Dana sez, “The Trump-Pence Administration says Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, which bars sex discrimination in the workforce, doesn’t apply to LGBTQ Americans. Say, weren’t these the folks who promised they would stand up for LGBTQ rights? Hey, Log Cabin Republicans, are you paying attention?!”
Mayor London N. Breed has joined City Administrator Naomi M. Kelly to announce $12.9 million in general operating support grants to fund 220 arts organizations that enhance the City’s cultural vibrancy. The new funding comes after Mayor Breed asked for a thorough review of the City’s grantmaking to better support small- and medium-sized arts organizations.
An ad hoc group of a half dozen Bay Area activists organized the MONTH OF MOMENTUM, 30 Days of Actions to Close the Camps. This month-long protest outside ICE in downtown San Francisco at 630 Sansome Street (organized through word of mouth, networking, and social media) took place every day from Noon to 1 pm during the month of August, by a different sector, group, or organization ranging from librarians to lawyers to A Day Without Immigrants to Kehilla Community Synagogue. The 30 days concluded on August 31 with music, speakers, food, and passing the hat to raise funds for FREEDOM FOR IMMIGRANTS NATIONAL BOND FUND. They also called for the passage of AB32, a bill that would prohibit the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation from contracting with for-profit private prison facilities and detention centers.
Sister Dana sez, “So you thought JUNE was Pride Month? Well, think again, because SEPTEMBER is also Pride Month!”
TENDERLOIN PRIDE BENEFIT RECEPTION & FESTIVAL will be held on September 7 and 8. Tenderloin Pride will celebrate the unique culture of San Francisco’s Tenderloin District and its unique place in LGBTQ history with a benefit reception to be held Saturday, September 7, Noon to 4 pm at the Tenderloin Museum at 398 Eddy Street in San Francisco. The following day, Sunday, September 8, the public is invited to the TENDERLOIN PRIDE STREET FAIR AND FESTIVAL on Vicki Mar Lane (in the 100 block of Turk Street). Saturday’s celebration is a fundraiser with proceeds going to support the TENDERLOIN COMPTON’S TRANSGENDER CULTURAL DISTRICT.
OAKLAND PRIDE will be on Sunday, September 8, with a short parade kicking off at 11 am. The festival opens at 11 am too and ends at 7 pm. OAKLAND PRIDE PARADE + FESTIVAL is the East Bay’s premier LGBTQI Community Celebration and Festival. The Pride Flag Raising Ceremony was on September 3 at 4:30 pm at Oakland City Hall with Mayor Libby Schaaf and elected city officials making brief comments as they raised the QTPOC (Queer & Trans People of Color) inclusive Pride Flag. See page 21 of this issue for more info about Oakland Pride.
Come to the first-ever OPENHOUSE JOB FAIR on September 11 from 11 am–12 pm, 65 Laguna Street, Bob Ross LGBT Senior Center. OPENHOUSE and their partners, MERCY HOUSING CALIFORNIA and ON LOK, are co-presenting an informational session to find talented folks to join their team who are passionate about aging issues and have experience working with seniors and adults with disabilities. They invite potential candidates to learn more about their organizational missions, their vision for joint programs, and to ask questions about these full-time employment opportunities.
RICHMOND/ERMET AID FOUNDATION (REAF) presents a Special One Night Only Benefit Cabaret, PROTEST! REVEL WITH SOME REBELS, featuring Cast Members from the touring cast of the Tony Award-winning show Hamilton. It’s an evening of music and dance with Special Guest Emcees: Judd Winick & Pam Ling from TV’s Real World San Francisco on September 16, 7:30 pm, Marines’ Memorial Theatre, 609 Sutter Street (at Mason Street.).
During the month of September, STRUT is exhibiting “Greetings from Dadville,” a collection of Justin Hall’s original comic book art and illustrations. Join me to celebrate dynamic queer art with wine and snacks and meeting the artist in person. The art opening reception will be held on September 6, 8 pm to 10 pm, 470 Castro Street.
CASTRO ART WALK is celebrating its 2nd anniversary on September 5, 6–9 pm. 15 venues in the Castro will hold free receptions.
Join the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, Inc. and many performers in celebrating, or roasting <wink wink> SISTER ROSE MARY CHICKEN with a farewell … for now … at TASTES LIKE CHICKEN: A FAREWELL SHOW on September 12, 8 pm at Moby Dick bar, 4049 18th Street. She’s pushing off to Germany in October to follow her ancestral lineage, and for a new adventure. They will be raising funds for Rose Mary’s selected charity, St. James Infirmary, so the performers will be donating their time, and all tips and money raised will benefit St. James.
Sister Dana sez, “Social Security and Medicare are sacred promises that our seniors have worked to earn their entire lives. But Lindsey Graham wants to use them as bargaining chips to pay for tax giveaways for his wealthy and corporate donors. It’s time for Senator Graham to go!”
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