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    Sister Dana sez, “June 18 is Father’s Day.”

    By Sister Dana Van Iquity

    Sister Dana sez, “June 18 is Father’s Day, so may I be the first to wish all you daddies a happy day; and that includes leather daddies! Rrruff!”

    Queer movie lovers have great news, because June 15 begins the 2-week series of excellent LGBTQ flicks with FRAMELINE FILMS! I got a taste of this at the Frameline launch party at Oasis nightclub. (See special section in this issue.) The Festival celebrates the spectrum and intersection of identities that make up the worldwide LGBTQ community. With an expected attendance of 65,000 at its five venues, including a full week of programming in the East Bay, Frameline41 will draw film lovers, media artists, and LGBTQ communities from across the globe to discover the best in queer cinema among its 147 films. Opening Night Film and Gala, Thursday June 15, 7 pm at the Castro Theatre will screen THE UNTOLD TALES OF ARMISTEAD MAUPIN with party after at Terra Gallery in SoMa.

    KREWE DE KINQUE, EssEff’S charitable MARDI GRAS CLUBheld our THIRD SATURDAY MONTHLY BEER & SODA BUST BENEFIT at The Edge. Each third Saturday, 4–6 pm, we celebrate with a Mardi Gras theme and enjoy the $10 Beer/Soda bust with proceeds going towards our new charity organization of 2017–2018. KdK is in the process of selecting our next beneficiary. Beats were by DJ Jack Rojo. We enjoyed a fabulous show with KdK members & special guest performers such as Royal Baby Kelly Rose; Imperial King and Krewe de Kinque King VII John WeberMiss Chief; Empress XXXIII Alexis MirandaMinora; and Grand Duke XXXX and Krewe de Kinque X Kippy Marks. Queen VII Sister Dana served as do’ ho’—collecting the donation dollah$. Mark yer calendars for the next Third Saturday, June 17.

    Sister Dana sez, “I’m so proud of our Governor Jerry Brown for standing up against Darn Old Trump and the orange ogre’s outrageous climate change denial! #covfefe!?”

    The SAN FRANCISCO LESBIAN/GAY FREEDOM BAND presented their second annual special sing-along SPOTLIGHT ON BROADWAY concert fundraiser at the Sir Francis Drake Hotel Empire Room. It was a not-to-be-missed show where we, the audience, got into the act and showed how well we can belt out some of our favorite tunes. The San Francisco Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band is a community-based concert and marching band in San Francisco. It is the official band of San Francisco. Founded in 1978, it was the first gay-oriented musical organization in the world. But we all got to be singing members—whether we could carry a tune or not (note: we COULD!). Artistic Director Pete Nowlen led the fun as the Band musically transported us to the bright lights of Broadway with tunes from classics such as My Fair Lady, West Side Story, Hairspray, Chorus Line, Shrek the Musical, Sound of Music, and so many more. Special guest artists Donna Sachet and Leanne Borghesi femceed the evening and sang some of my favorite tunes. Joining them were popular vocalists Jesse Barrett and David Horn.

    The DRAG QUEENS of COMEDY – 2017 TOUR (Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, and New York City) included a stop at the Castro Theatre for a politically incorrect evening of dishing and hilarity—drag-style. It featured the standup comic geniuses of Alaska, Willam, Bob the Drag Queen, Sasha Soprano, Coco Peru, Lady Bunny, Jackie Beat, Peaches Christ, Heklina, and Lady Red Couture. I look forward to this every year, and this one did not disappoint. Hysterical!

    The SF LGBT COMMUNITY CENTER held an opening art reception for the finalists in an LGBT photo contest held each year in Amsterdam highlighting LGBTQ lives. The Dutch delegation unveiled a gorgeous photo art exhibit now hanging in the gallery. It was also the official SF/Amsterdam joint celebration of HARVEY MILK DAY. Speakers included Stuart Milk (co-founder and board president of the all-volunteer HARVEY MILK FOUNDATION), SF Supervisor Jeff Sheehy, the Deputy Mayor of Amsterdam, and Mark LenoSister Kitty Catalyst and Sister Dana led the attendees in a blessing/ cheer session.

    KPIX CHANNEL 5/CBS held their annual PRIDE RECEPTION at their downtown HQ with event MC and CBS reporter Jackie Ward—who wore a stunning rainbow heart necklace, and was introduced as a proud lesbian. Past General Manager Bruno Cohen, who hired the out and proud reporter Hank Plante, spoke of how they both dealt with complaints about “extensive” AIDS pandemic coverage back in the day. The new General Manager, Kevin Walsh, also spoke. Kippy Marks provided beautiful entertainment on his electronic violin.

    Sister Dana sez, “The bad news is the BUDGET OF THE U.S. GOVERNMENT—also known as ‘A New Foundation for American Greatness’—is anything but great for the poor and middle class; but the good news is all these great June events you can attend to keep your mind off the bad news!”

    Just in time for Pride Month, PRISCILLA QUEEN OF THE DESERT: THE MUSICAL” has rolled into town on the infamous pink bus—on stage through July 1 at THEATRE RHINOCEROS (longest running LGBT theatre anywhere, celebrating its fortieth fantastic year). The musical (superbly directed by John Fisher) follows two drag queens and a trans-woman—Tick (played by Rudy Guerrero)—Adam (Charles Peoples III), and Bernadette (Darryl V. Jones), who buy a run-down old bus (they christen it “Priscilla”) and set out on a rocky road trip across the Australian Outback. Tick is invited by his ex-wife to perform his drag show at her far-away resort. If for no other reason than the more than 20 disco hit numbers, you just gotta get on this bus! Also, there are a bazillion different costume changes. The ensemble cast is just incredible! But audience beware: you might get dragged up onto the stage to do a country western dance number! And those in the front row are in danger of flying ping pong balls popping out from one of the ladies on stage. It’s all fast-paced and fabulous, and in my opinion far outdoes the movie! Tickets are at or call 1-800-838-3006. Get onboard at 215 Jackson at Battery. Don’t miss the bus ride of your life!

    There will be a very special CELEBRATION OF LIFE for Rainbow Flag creator (and so much more!), Gilbert Baker (1951–2017) on Thursday evening, June 8, starting at 7 pm (doors open 6:30 pm) at the Castro Theatre, 429 Castro Street. Admission is free, but you must RSVP in advance. The event is being presented by Tom Taylor and Dr. Jerome Goldstein and THE DIVERSITY

    The girls are back in town in the uproarious drag send-up of HBO’s beloved series SEX AND THE CITY. Get your fix, with two fabulous episodes that pay loving tribute to the iconic show. Laugh and gasp out loud as these four young “women” search for the perfect relationship in between plenty of cosmopolitans. The show features four of San Francisco’s most fabulous drag stars: D’Arcy Drollinger, Sue Casa, Lady Bear and Steven LeMay playing homage to Carrie and the gang. With special guest star, Drag King legend, Leigh Crow as Mr. Big.  Darren Star (creator of the HBO show) described this version as “funnier than it was on TV,” so you know you’re in for a delightful night. Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, June 8 through July 1 at Oasis, 298 11th Street. I’m a Samantha!

    ARTSAVESLIVES, the art studio/performance space at 518 Castro Street, is presenting the monthly free reception, this time entitled SAN FRANCISCO PRIDE PARADE PAINTINGS LIVE GALLERY JUNE SHOW —on Friday, June 9, 6–9 pm—featuring works by Alan Beckstead ( and many other local artists. This prideriffic exhibit, curated by studio manager/artist Thomasina De Maio, will remain up now through Pride Weekend, June 24–25.

    Be sure to attend “HONOR THEM WITH ACTION” in remembrance of the Orlando tragedy at Pulse nightclub a year ago, a quiet commemoration to be held at Castro and 18th Streets on Monday June 12, 6:30–7:30 pm. Expect to see members of the Castro Community on Patrol, Castro merchants, Latinx and Trans folk and clergy—as well as the general public who have not forgotten. Nothing formal and no speakers planned—but renewed commitment to take action, both individually and collectively, to help end anti-LGBTQ bias and bigotry in our community, our country, and around the world.

    For the month of June, STRUT is having a very special art opening for an artist coming all the way from Venezuela for Pride month. Strut is exhibiting the work of visual artist, activist, writer and international gay rights advocate DANIEL ARZOLA! The Art at Strut program has been exhibiting the work of a local Gay or Queer artist once a month for over 13 years. It has always been an important part of Magnet, and Strut is especially thrilled when they get to exhibit the work of an international artist and connect further with the global gay community. Arzola’s work has been reviewed by press from countries all over the world including Al Jazeera, The Huffington Post, Out Magazine, and The Advocate. Arzola participated in Madonna’s project “Art for Freedom,” and was the only artist to have five of his works selected for the project’s global release; two of those works were selected by Katy Perry. Arzola won the Human Rights award 2016 at the International Queer and Migrant Film Festival of Amsterdam for his theory of ARTIVISM and the impact of his work. For the reception, Baruch Porras-Hernandez, Community Organizer, introduced Arzola, who confessed his life was a telenovella of drama. He said, for instance, he had survived a hate crime in which all his works had been viciously destroyed. His passport had been frozen, but just a few weeks ago it was reinstated.

    My three favorite pieces are “I Am Not a Joke” with the translated Spanish phrase: “No Soy Tu Chiste,” showing someone in a shirt that reads (as in “reads your beads”): “Nobody has the right to hurt you for being different.” Another has the person’s shirt snapping: “My sexuality is not a trend; your ignorance seems to be!” Still another, “New York City Boy,” is a man with a beard made of many many colorful butterflies, with just a single butterfly on his eyebrow—as if a piercing.

    “THE GAY KITCHEN SINK” is just what it sounds like—a delightfully spirited playlist of LGBT anthems, current hits, and huge production numbers sung by THE SAN FRANCISCO GAY MEN’S CHORUS at the Nourse Theatre, 275 Hayes Street. You’ll absolutely revel in music by iconic performers including Cyndi Lauper, Lady Gaga, Madonna, Sara Bareilles, Destiny’s Child, Robyn, Taylor Swift, and Patsy Cline. With special guests, The Kinsey Sicks—“America’s Favorite Dragapella Beautyshop Quartet.” Of course, the Chorus will throw a little Broadway in the mix, as well as a tribute to the 50th Anniversary of The Summer of Love. Friday, June 16, 8 pm; Saturday, June 17, 2:30 pm and 8 pm.

    Come to the HARVEY MILK PHOTOGRAPHY CENTER for their 2017 Pride weekend celebration show, “CELEBRATE COMMUNITY! 2017 LGBTQ PRIDE EXHIBIT & EVENT.” This year’s exhibit is in collaboration with the wishes of Gilbert Baker, designer of the international symbol to the world of gay pride, the iconic RAINBOW FLAG, says Dave Christensen, Director/Curator of the Harvey Milk Photo Center. In addition to Gilbert’s choices, they have invited artists, writers, and photographers from throughout the community to share their diverse talents for this special show—running June 17–July 23, with Opening Reception: June 17, 5:30 pm. Entertainment begins on the 2nd Floor at 7:30 pm. Harvey Milk Photo Center, 50 Scott Street, San Francisco, reception hosted by Mistress of Ceremonies, Countess Katya SmirnoffSkyy. The Runway Show will feature Verasphere. Live entertainment provided by Peaches Christ Productions—so ya know it’s gonna be fierce!

    New York’s hottest benefit strip show is Now in San Francisco’s hottest fundraising show, “BROADWAY BARES SF II: MANUSTRIPTLiterary Tales with Happy Endings on June 18, 8 pm at DNA Lounge, 375 11th Street. It will feature a series of dances based on literary tales where someone (or everyone) gets stripped by the end. It’s fun, its sexy, it’s funny, it’s provocative and so much more. It raises funds for REAF (RICHMOND/ERMET AID FOUNDATION) to support HIV services, hunger programs, and programs for homeless youth, and BROADWAY CARES/EQUITY FIGHTS AIDS to provide funds for HIV services nationwide.

    Sister Dana sez, “The absolutely best anti-T-rump quote of the month: Nancy Pelosi told the Repugnican Congressbozos after the terrible Trumpcare vote that ‘you will have every provision of this bill tattooed on your forehead … you will glow in the dark on this one.’ You GO, Nancy P, while they GLOW!”