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    Sister Dana sez, “We need sensible gun control while people are screaming about their 2nd amendment rights; but they somehow fail to read…”

    Sister-Dana2Sister Dana sez, “We need sensible gun control while people are screaming about their 2nd amendment rights; but they somehow fail to read: ‘a well regulated militia,’ which back then meant regulating and taking the time to load a musket, fire, and reload. Nothing in the Constitution mentions automatic rifles with 30 or more rounds, while it does stress ‘well regulated.’ Go figure!”

    BACK TO THE PICTURE’s Valencia Street Gallery (934 Valencia Street) is pleased to present six renown California Artists and their commentary on the current political climate in MY BROTHER’S KEEPER? EXPRESSIONS OF OUR WORLD TODAY. On display are vivid works by Art Hazlewood, Jesse Aguirre, Kathy Aoki, Consuelo-Jimenez Underwood, Mark Harris, and Robyn Kralique, who will be showing their stunning pieces now through July 31, curated by the amazing Derek Hargrove, who amassed oil, woodcut, collage, and textile declarations of the state of our world today. At the opening reception, Sister Dana got to share with the artists, but you can still experience these thought-provoking pieces yourself. Most of these works are emotionally charged, but I feel very fit for these emotionally charged times. Especially so are the works of Hazlewood with his oil on canvas, “A History of the 20th Century,” with very scary tyrannical “police” forces in gas masks with assault rifles against poor activists with much smaller, sadder artillery and much bigger rage. Also admirable are Hazlewood’s silkscreen print, “Security,” depicting a huge evil-eyed Uncle Sam spying over his giant wall to see humble people below just trying to grow their crops. It brilliantly illustrates the plan Trump has for his absurdly discriminatory wall intentions. Harris’ acrylic egg tempura & collage on panel entitled “Immigration Theory” is a possible postage stamp emblazoned, “The United States Postage” and the Statue of Liberty and her “E Pluribus Unum” boldly inscribed, but with a tiny disclaimer exception at the bottom: “NO Negros, Mexicans, or Muslims.” Also by Harris is “In Guns We Trust,” an acrylic and photo collage on panel of a very sexy Lady Liberty in red, white, and blue bra holding a massive automatic rifle, trimmed by rounds and rounds of bullets at the bottom. Kralique presents a photo taken by Peter Menchini, then painted by Kralique, “Protest Girls,” showing two innocent little girls holding a big banner exclaiming, “Black Lives Matter.” ‘nuff said. And as a humorous take on the traditional “I Want You” Uncle Sam enlistment posters, Aoki has a way too skinny model pointing her finger and commanding, “I Want You to Weigh 110 Pounds!” or “to get Double D cups!” and her marvelous summing up: “Beauty: It’s Your Duty,” portraying the traditional American bald eagle with wings spread while grasping a mascara brush in one talon and a lipstick in the other claw. Hilarious! The piece in the front of the room as you enter needs a little explanation, which Hargrove shared with me: “Waiting for Guxi” in acrylic on canvas by Aguirre is all these wannabe fashionista women hungrily clutching their precious “Guxi” handbags and anxiously awaiting the next Guxi shipment—not realizing they are actually cheap knockoffs of Gucci!

    CASTRO STREET ARTSAVESLIVES STUDIO AND GALLERY presented CASTRO STREET LOCAL ARTISTS curated by well-known artist Thomasina DeMaio in her spacious gallery at 518 Castro Street. Complimentary wine, beer, food, and lively entertainment was served for the opening

    ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS: THE MOVIE will be released in theaters on July 22, (see story on page 23) but those of us A-lister AbFab fans got to see it before its release at Alamo DraftHouse, while drinking champers and eating nibblybits, sweetiedarling! Appropriate for their big screen debut, Edina and Patsy are still oozing glitz and glamour, living the high life they are accustomed to; shopping, drinking and clubbing their way around London’s trendiest hotspots. Blamed for a major incident at an uber fashionable launch party, they become entangled in a media storm and are relentlessly pursued by the paparazzi. Fleeing penniless to the glamorous playground of the super-rich, the French Riviera, they hatch a plan to make their escape permanent and live the high life forever more! Do catch this fabulous flick or else it’s squish squish, sweetiedarling!

    BROADWAY BARES SF: TECH TAILS at Club Fugazi, the site of Beach Blanket Babylon, was not your typical RICHMOND/ERMET AID FOUNDATION (REAF) benefit show. It was tech savvy and tech sexy! We got a hot EssEff night made even hotter by these sizzling, sexy strippers/dancers. Broadway Bares has been a major fundraiser for BROADWAY CARES/EQUITY FIGHTS AIDS in New York for many years nowraising over $1 million annually. I was in the VIP section with Jason Brock, Donna Sachet, Julian Washburn, Deana Dawn, and the producers of the show, REAF directors Ken Henderson & Joe Seilerall of us hootin’ and hollerin’ like crazy for the perfectly proficient performers. REAF gathered over 40 hot, sexy local dancers/strippers but also brought in some special guest stars, a few BROADWAY BARES NYC veterans, and cast members from the Broadway touring cast of CABARET including the lead actor Randy Harrison (best known for his role in the TV hit show Queer as Folk) in foxy jock strap. Other special guests included Broadway/TV (Queer Eye for the Straight Guy) star Jai Rodriguez (whom I happily tipped when he wandered through the audience and who once sang to me the “Happy Birthday Song” at the End-Up for “Sister Dana’s Birthday Celebration on New Year’s Eve”), American Idol veteran/recording star (and former exotic dancer) David Hernandez (who sang live gorgeously while scantily clad), and reality TV/Sunday’s a Drag star Cassandra Cass! The show was sssizzzzling!

    Sister Dana sez, “Pokemon GO? Go away! Just what we didn’t need: more people with their heads in their Smart Phones bumping into pedestrians!”


    Sister Dana sez, “Things may be slowing down after Pride season has come and gone, but there are still a lot of great events to participate in.”

    Join THE GLBT HISTORY MUSEUM as they kick off their new monthly “After Hours” party at The GLBT History Museum! Each month will bring a new theme + DJs