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    Speaking to Your Soul: 10.3.24

    By Elisa Quinzi–

    We have a unique opportunity to release our ghosts of the past, and step confidently forward with trust in something bigger. By relaxing our grip, we allow tensions to unwind and dissolve, and we discover that our only real enemy is our mental picture. No longer tense, a higher intelligence flows freely through us unimpeded, and we realize our part in the symphony of the cosmos. No longer clinging to others or to circumstances, we become aware that we are supported by a greater whole, and can act and live with far greater elegance, freedom, and magnanimity.

    ARIES (March 21–April 19)
    You were born to express pure creative impulse and you require a certain amount of freedom to do so authentically. The source of your power is good and purposeful, so steer your actions toward fulfilling the greatest needs around you in order to minimize waste and harmonize well with others.

    TAURUS (April 20–May 20)
    Humans are categorized as animals, and you, Taurus, are the most animalistic of all the signs. Led by your instinct and your physical senses, it is hardest for you, perhaps, to detach from who and what you consider to be yours. But the planets suggest you practice detachment. This can give you not only a clearer picture of reality but also a greater peace in your heart.

    GEMINI (May 21–June 20)
    Your curious nature and intellectual aptitude keep you hungry for knowledge. Of all the signs, it is you who would suffer most from fear of missing out; you are always ahead of the curve. But all that striving can lead to overwhelm and mental exhaustion. You are encouraged to trust in the process more, and take permission to be still. There is a divine timing to all things and you need not seek so hard. Let the butterflies come to you and they will.

    CANCER (June 21–July 22)
    What complexes have crystalized in you, making you rigid and susceptible to breakage? It is natural for you to want stability, but fear arises from clinging to forms. True stability results from rooting yourself in the depths of your center where no storm or circumstance can knock you over.

    LEO (July 23–August 22)
    You, Leo, were born to stamp the signature of your personality on all that you do. Your light is meant to shine brightly so that others will be warmed. The danger is in the drama. Drama here means emotional excess or use of force, which can bubble up when you are striving for attention. When you instead know that you are royalty, your natural radiance will attract, and you’ll be less compelled to dance on tabletops.

    VIRGO (August 23–September 22)
    Hidden talents come to the fore to be noticed. Not only can they bring you income, but also as you shape these newly discovered skills you increase your self-esteem and sense of security going forward.

    LIBRA (September 23–October 22)
    It’s a powerful start to a new year for you, Libra. With a tendency toward orienting yourself to others, you often find yourself sacrificing too much and masking your own needs and desires. The planets are prompting you to lift your gaze to the stars and see yourself within a much grander context. Doing so helps you show up in your relationships with greater ease and inner harmony.

    SCORPIO (October 23–November 21)
    A cycle is ending and the decks are being cleared to make way for a new dawn. Take this time to harvest the seeds of wisdom that you can carry forward and plant in new soil.

    SAGITTARIUS (November 22–December 21)
    The planets want to ask you if your values support you warmly connecting with the people you live and work with. Or do your values cut you off from heart-centered relatedness? Any values that would distance you from your fellows are likely founded in old beliefs that have crystalized and are keeping you stuck.

    CAPRICORN (December 22–January 19)
    Insights can arise now that prompt you to make course corrections. Choose to stay in integrity by considering what is best for everyone involved. Trust that a higher plan is unfolding for the good of the whole.

    AQUARIUS (January 20–February 18)
    Your superpower is your direct access to universal truth. When you offer your perspective to your community or organization, you can do much good. Just be sure to ground your intentions in being of service while detaching from outcomes.

    PISCES (February 19–March 20)
    Of all the signs, you have the capacity to cut the cords that otherwise bind you to your past. You are here not to gaze longingly or regretfully into your history, but to look expectantly and optimistically to the coming future with the vision that is Pisces’ gift to humanity.

    Elisa Quinzi is a certified professional astrologer who brings a strong spiritual perspective, as well as over 20 years of experience, to her work with clients. Contact her at or at 818-530-3366 with your exact birth time to schedule or to ask questions. For more information:

    Speaking to Your Soul
    Published on October 3, 2024