We’ve entered a period of quieting unnecessary chatter. In the stillness we can access deeper parts of ourselves longing for attention, and focus on what matters most.
(March 21–April 19)
Name yourself owner of distinct gifts and talents. Rather than waiting for confidence to come, it’s your responsibility to the universe to make effective use of such gifts. Confidence will follow.
(April 20–May 20)
The stardust that composes you is vibrating in magnetic harmony with the symphony of the spheres. Do not be lulled to sleep. Come further alive.
(May 21–June 20)
Consider the meaning of the cycle now coming to a close. Find the value of your experiences of the last twelve months. The realizations you reach become the substance from which the upcoming cycle next month births.
(June 21–July 22)
A new window is open that lets you look out beyond the familiar landscape. With humanity’s survival depending on you, what are you doing to contribute? You must be willing to give up the good for the great.
(July 23–August 22)
Success produced by ambition alone fails to give the joy Leo seeks. As you come to know the joy within, people support and cooperate with you. Your power grows as others trust in your integrity.
(August 23–Sept. 22)
Your intellect quiets down long enough now for you to intuit a deeper understanding of the meaning and significance of your relationships, both past and present.
(Sept. 23–Oct. 22)
Handle relationships responsibly, whether a one-time intimate exchange, a long-term commitment, or a business deal. Where you are, so is the ultimate creative power of the universe. Show up fully. Act with conscience.
(Oct. 23–Nov. 21)
1 + 1 = 3 when love is mutually giving. Such is the vehicle through which you can experience the creative force that put you here. It’s a lovely time to step out of self and know that you are not alone.
(Nov. 22–Dec. 21)
Assess the ways you’ve held yourself back from actualizing your full potential. Use this evaluation period as a plan for resurrection. You’ve a greater destiny.
(Dec. 22–Jan.19)
Potent creative energies are available to you. Align them with your truest purpose and you have the capacity to leap forward in your evolution.
(Jan. 20–Feb. 18)
Plunge deeper to the bedrock of all foundations. At the center lies a secret pocket of crystalline rarified air you long to breathe. There, you will know that you belong.
(Feb. 19–March 20)
Poetry, music, and touch, are just a few of the apt ways of spontaneously expressing your thoughts now. They can help break up any idea patterns that have crystalized, and also promote greater creative freedom in your life.
Elisa has been enjoying the art of astrological counseling since earning professional certification many years ago. In addition to astrological knowledge, she brings a high degree of conscious presence to her work, and creates a safe, comfortable atmosphere for sessions to unfold organically. Contact her at futureselfnow@gmail.com or 818-530-3366 or visit www.ElisaQuinzi.com
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