By Elisa Quinzi–
We benefit now from acknowledging and releasing underlying feelings of inadequacy that block us from standing in the light. Core wounds keep us stuck in an overemphasis on doing, while the very eternity of the moment slips by over and over unnoticed. This is a season of growing trust in the Great Mystery.
Rather than echoing the cry of the masses, “How bad will it get?” we are encouraged to ask, “How good can it get?” This is a season as well of giving ourselves permission to see the beauty of life, the magic in a day, and to reach across counters to connect soul to soul. For the next year, and into 2026, we do well to loosen our grip on the controls, and begin the greatest experiment of our lifetime—to trust that life is a flow of love from an eternal source. To act from this trust with every person we encounter is the very act that will save us.
ARIES (March 21–April 19)
Resist the urge to take on more duties now and end up feeling bogged down in a kind of servitude. The universe wants you to go to the mountaintop to receive a vision for your life. Give yourself the gift of aloneness and stillness and listen for Spirit’s guidance. If it feels generous and hopeful, you’re hearing truth.
TAURUS (April 20–May 20)
Your sensuality and preference for comfort can keep you in a kind of perpetual pleasure cloud. But now it is time to take a leap of faith into a far brighter future for yourself. Whatever you thought was possible, it is better than that.
GEMINI (May 21–June 20)
You do not have to try to belong. You belong. Success comes from flow, not force. Attune yourself to a higher calling and let yourself be guided by inspiration rather than ambition.
CANCER (June 21–July 22)
There are times for the crab to come out from under the safety of the outcropping and follow the calling of their heart. The moon strings always pull cancer down the soul’s true path. This is a moment in history when the reward for trusting that calling is greater than would be to remain safe and hidden in the familiar.
LEO (July 23–August 22)
Facing our fears is the hardest part of life, yet also the reason we are here. By going through the fire, we discover that we do come out more golden. The layers of impurities burn off, leaving our pure shining essence.
VIRGO (August 23–September 22)
You need the positive reflection of others to keep you from swimming in your insecurities. The right soulmates reflect your light back to you, and help you zoom out to see the grander view. The significance of Spirit is lit up now in your connections.
LIBRA (September 23–October 22)
You are learning to embrace flexibility and allow for the natural flow of a day. Not everything has to be so meticulously planned. Make space for the sacred in your day, in your tasks, in your plans. Trust in something bigger than your own ability to control outcomes.
SCORPIO (October 23–November 21)
This season of your life invites you to let go of your tension and experience more spontaneous joy. Much of the heavier material you carry in your backpack was collected long ago and weighs you down. The universe not only gives you permission to move on, but also sent you into this life in order to do so. The portal is open. Act now.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22–December 21)
You need your home to be an oasis from the expectations of the world. Too much outer stimuli has distracted you from dropping into your personal sacred space. The world will go on buzzing while you give yourself permission to let go of pretenses and be yourself. Your inner mystic wants more attention now. Commune with it.
CAPRICORN (December 22–January 19)
Hunches and psychic hits seemingly out of nowhere can come to you. Your ability to sense energy behind people’s words and actions is heightened now. Let go of rigid outdated beliefs that would hold you back from receiving through new channels, and that would keep you from seeking unity with the people you encounter in your day.
AQUARIUS (January 20–February 18)
You have been hard on yourself for too long. It is safe to let go and trust that a divine flow supports you. When you loosen your grip, you will more fully experience the beauty of the moment you are in, which is the only moment there ever is. The security you feel when you are able to relax into being fully present in the given moment is worth more than gold.
PISCES (February 19–March 20)
Your alone time is encouraged for you to develop more trust in the One who is present in your aloneness. There is only so much growing you can do face to face with partners. To flourish, your most important relationship must be the one you have with your higher self. When you are able to trust and feel the very source of life itself in your aloneness, your relationships will blossom, as will your entire life.
Elisa Quinzi is a certified professional astrologer who brings a strong spiritual perspective, as well as over 20 years of experience, to her work with clients. Contact her at or at 818-530-3366 with your exact birth time to schedule or to ask questions. For more information:
Published on March 13, 2025
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