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    Speaking to Your Soul 8.8.24

    By Elisa Quinzi–

    This moment requires each of us to tap into the confident, vibrant part of us that’s happy to be alive. The childlike innocence that once had us expressing ourselves unselfconsciously, with only love and truth in our hearts, has been hijacked by the cultural climate. A glance at the selection of entertainment on any popular streaming network reflects the darkness that seems to have descended upon us. These are the stories we’re telling. And stories are powerful fields of energy that shape how we experience reality. It is vital now that we tell new stories and that we create a better future by reclaiming eros—the positive life-force that is always pressing for expression through us. We must give ourselves permission to feel good again, so that we are reminded of what is so beautiful about life on Earth. We must stop dimming our light for fear of what others think. We are the light of the world.

    ARIES (March 21–April 19)
    Eros is lit within you now. Pleasure gets a bad rap and is usually clumped with addiction. But pleasure itself is one of the gifts of being human. Pleasure is joyful when it is spontaneous, and free of judgment. Go enjoy the pleasure of a real exchange with a stranger; the pleasure of physical movement; or the pleasure of admiring your own creativity. There are plenty of miracles and wonders to get fired up about.

    TAURUS (April 20–May 20)
    Your home needs loving attention and revitalization. Wherever you are, there is the center of the universe. Where you stand, sit, breathe, and orient yourself in physical reality is the most important spot on Earth in any given moment. Polish and shine right where you are.

    GEMINI (May 21–June 20)
    As someone who has a reputation for consuming information, it is crucial you focus your precious attention with discernment. You can raise your gaze to an entirely new plane of thought, and share stories from a higher frequency.

    CANCER (June 21–July 22)
    Confidence gets a needed boost. You’re willing to bet on yourself. Trust your natural gifts to guide you. Who you are is of great value and now is the time to show yourself off.

    LEO (July 23–August 22)
    Leo rules the heart, which you were born to trust. The accumulated sediment that clouds your essence does not belong to you. Leave it behind. Your true self is the pure joy of being alive. You invigorate the world with it.

    VIRGO (August 23–September 22)
    You have an opportunity to open your aperture wider to let more multidimensionality in. While jetting from spot to spot on the globe can expand your horizon, the time has come for a paradigm shift. The mystic in you is being called forth.

    LIBRA (September 23–October 22)
    A portal opens and you catch a glimpse of a positive future. What does it look like? What beauty, what pleasure, what joy? You, Libra, are gifted with the ability to create harmony. Bring your glimpse, and your much-needed diplomacy, to the conversation.

    SCORPIO (October 23–November 21)
    Trust your own authority. At your core, you are all things. The pure essence of your being is your mission.

    SAGITTARIUS (November 22–December 21)
    Your life force quickens as you awaken to greater perspectives. Information from the center of the galaxy expands your context of reality to include higher dimensions.

    CAPRICORN (December 22–January 19)
    Capricorn is built tough. You’re a problem solver, and derive much meaning from being responsible. So, it is good to be reminded that happiness is not frivolous. The deep beauty of life inspires you to choose goals that align with your soul. You can be both responsible and happy.

    AQUARIUS (January 20–February 18)
    Your soul craves the warmth of loving connection. Don’t equate vulnerability to loss of freedom. You too get to enjoy close affectionate relationships. In one storyline life has hardened you. In another, you are softened. Take the line that leads where you want to go.

    PISCES (February 19–March 20)
    Find the joy in your daily tasks. “God is in the details” here means perfect peace can be found right where you are, amidst the work of the day. Purify your vessel to hold a higher wattage of spiritual electricity.

    Elisa Quinzi is a certified professional astrologer who brings a strong spiritual perspective, as well as over 20 years of experience, to her work with clients. Contact her at or at 818-530-3366 with your exact birth time to schedule or to ask questions. For more information:

    Speaking to Your Soul
    Published on August 8, 2024