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    Speaking to Your Soul: December 5, 2024

    By Elisa Quinzi–

    Humanity is at a critical stage. Individually, and therefore collectively, we have given up our highest creative aspirations for safety, pleasure, and comfort. Lacking the fulfillment that comes from utilizing the soul’s potentialities, we are overly concerned with survival and driven to seek money, power, status, fame, security, and likes. We fail to pursue our creative ideals and, as such, settle for what Viktor Frankl calls “compensatory goals.”

    The planet Neptune, whose influence is magnified now, casts a kind of hypnotic fog over our eyes and the world, in response to our laissez-faire attitude. As such, we seem to be slowly circling the drain. What’s needed is for each of us to imagine our soul’s highest creative desires and to commit to actualizing them. For it is then, in the act of carrying out our ideals, that Neptune responds with magic. As we live in accordance with our soul rather than by the dictatorship of the ego, Neptune lifts our wings and opens the gate to higher dimensional living. Otherwise, we blot out our consciousness and waste our precious lifetime, perhaps even extinguishing humanity.

    ARIES (March 21–April 19)

    Take an honest appraisal of yourself and acknowledge the ways you’re attempting to escape reality. Turn toward the light, cut away the dead weight now, and make a decision to trust a higher power. Listen with your inner senses and you will be guided.

    TAURUS (April 20–May 20)

    A portal is open for you to receive a vision of your future. Look with pure eyes so you can see it clearly. This is no time for cynicism.

    GEMINI (May 21–June 20)

    Your mission, should you accept it, involves a higher calling. If you feel unclear about what that is, cut away the static, get quiet, and pay attention to your dreams.

    CANCER (June 21–July 22)

    Traditional beliefs might give way to a personal mystical experience. Signs and synchronicities point you down a more vital, nourishing path. The familiar falls away to reveal a new horizon.

    LEO (July 23–August 22)

    Your intuition is heightened. The veil is thin between dimensions. You must release attachments and old emotional patterns. Trust that what is left is your true essence.

    VIRGO (August 23–September 22)

    Guard against sacrificing too much of yourself. Disentangling from enmeshment allows the space for real soul connection to deepen. Consider the words of Khalil Gibran, who wrote, “Let there be spaces in your togetherness. And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.”

    LIBRA (September 23–October 22)

    If you find you’re having trouble with routine tasks or the daily mundane necessities of living, perhaps you can benefit from reading Thich Nhat Hanh’s classic book, Peace Is Every Step. It’s not that you need to work harder, but that you need to feel your aliveness in every moment.

    SCORPIO (October 23–November 21)

    Artistic inspiration is heightened now. Sensitivity to the divine muse gives a needed boost to your imagination. You need a creative outlet to give your great passion form.

    SAGITTARIUS (November 22–December 21)

    Make of your home a sacred space. The meaning of life that you are seeking can be discovered in the center of your being. Be still and you will find it right where you are.

    CAPRICORN (December 22–January 19)

    Thinking, details, and communication might be messy and unclear now. Take it as an invitation to utilize your psychic senses. Hits of information come in unexpected ways, such as signs and synchronicities. Significant downloads come in a flash of insight, or in dreams.

    AQUARIUS (January 20–February 18)

    Material possessions and financial success may feel less fulfilling as your values shift. Without a strong spiritual compass, you might feel lost or prone to escaping into binge-shopping or too much comfort foods. Don’t lose hope, but rather trust that you are awakening to your higher self.

    PISCES (February 19–March 20)

    The birth of a new earth depends on you, Pisces, fully valuing yourself and what you bring to the stream of life. Grant yourself the freedom to fully actualize as never before. All of the Universe is supporting your authentic nature. All you need to do is trust.

    Elisa Quinzi is a certified professional astrologer who brings a strong spiritual perspective, as well as over 20 years of experience, to her work with clients. Contact her at or at 818-530-3366 with your exact birth time to schedule or to ask questions. For more information:

    Speaking to Your Soul
    Published on December 5, 2024