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    Summer Goals: Making Time for What Matters, Including Your Estate Plan

    By Jay Greene–

    Hey there, Bay Area! It’s Attorney Jay Greene here, to chat about something important: summer goals. As the sunshine bathes our beautiful city, it’s the perfect time to reflect on what we want to achieve in these precious warm months.

    For many of us, summer conjures images of long weekends, barbecues with friends, and maybe even that finally-booked vacation. But amidst the fun, let’s not forget another crucial aspect of a fulfilling summer—taking care of ourselves and our loved ones.

    Did I achieve my summer goals? You bet!

    This year, I set some personal goals to truly soak in the season. One was to conquer that declutter project. Another was to spend more quality time with family, and let me tell you, having my mother and brother was pure magic.

    Now, let’s talk about YOUR goals.

    Have you been putting off that chat with your family about your wishes? Maybe your existing will needs a refresh? Here’s where a little estate planning focus can make a big difference, not just for your summer peace of mind, but for your loved ones’ future security.

    Trusts: Your Summer Planning Powerhouse

    Think of a trust as a clear, well-defined box for your assets. You decide who puts things in (you!), who gets to use them (your beneficiaries!), and when (now, or when you pass away). It’s a fantastic way to ensure your wishes are followed, and your loved ones are taken care of, exactly how you envision.

    Updating Your Estate Planning Documents: A Summer Breeze

    Life changes, and your estate plan should too. Think of it like a summer wardrobe refresh—ditch the outdated and embrace what works for you now. Whether it’s a new grandchild, a recent move, or simply wanting to clarify your wishes, a quick review of your existing documents can be incredibly empowering.

    Remember, legal stuff doesn’t have to be scary!

    Here at Greene Estate, Probate, and Elder Law Firm, we speak plain language and focus on creating a plan that’s as unique as you are.

    So, this summer, while you’re checking off those personal goals, consider taking a small step towards a brighter future for yourself and your family. Schedule a free consultation; we’ll chat about your situation and see if an updated estate plan can bring you that extra summer peace of mind.
    Here’s to a fantastic summer, Bay Area! Let’s finish with a season of sunshine, relaxation, and feeling confident about the future.

    Choose to secure your legacy, protect your loved ones, and gain peace of mind. Contact us at or call us at 415-905-0215 to schedule your consultation. Your future deserves the attention to detail and care that you have established for your life.

    Statements In Compliance with California Rules of Professional Conduct: The materials in this article have been prepared by Attorney Jay Greene for educational purposes only and are not legal advice. This information does not create an attorney-client relationship. Individuals should consult with an estate planning and elder law attorney for up-to-date information for their individual plans.

    Jay Greene, Attorney, CPA, is the founder of Greene Estate, Probate, & Elder Law Firm based in San Francisco, and is focused on helping LGBT individuals, couples, and families plan for their future, protect their assets, and preserve their wealth. For more information and to schedule an assessment, visit:

    Trust Essentials
    Published on August 22, 2024