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    SuperFriends NYC: Thank You to San Francisco Pride

    Photos courtesy of SuperFriends NYC

    By Fernando Camino–

    This year was beyond BONGGA (Filipino slang for “fantabulous”)! Invited by the San Francisco Bay Times, Patrick and I flew to San Francisco to experience the kind of Pride celebration only the “Bay City” could put on. We arrived on Wednesday afternoon and were greeted with a cool breeze and crystal-clear skies—a fair-weather prediction of what was to come during our stay in this beautiful city. We had no idea how much fun we were in for!

    SF Pride Press Reception

    We were thrilled to meet Mayor London Breed, known for her commitment to the city’s diverse communities.

    We were also welcomed by the energetic and charismatic Suzanne Ford, SF Pride Executive Director; Nguyen Pham, President of San Francisco Pride; Juan Davila, a legend for his fabulous and festive couture; the very adorable Nicole Adler, Grand Marshal and trailblazing advocate for developmental disabilities; and many other wonderful supporters and advocates of the community.

    During the reception, perched atop the Hilton Hotel Union Square and surrounded by skyscrapers festooned with Pride flags, we heard rousing speeches of the community’s many luminaries. The message was clear: “Be proud and get ready for the time of your life!”

    Fernando Camino with Mayor London Breed at the SF Pride Media
    Reception at the San Francisco Hilton

    Divas & Drinks Pride Party

    Pride icon Donna Sachet, looking illustrious as ever in her signature red dress, had just returned from a Pride Month celebration at the White House to host the event. Donna introduced me as the NYC correspondent for the San Francisco Bay Times. I got the opportunity to thank Dr. Betty and Jen and speak to everyone. The dazzling venue, the all-girl group Shake It! Booty Band, dancing, and drinking all made for an unforgettable evening. That night, everyone was a diva!

    Donna Sachet with Fernando Camino at the Divas & Drinks Pride
    Party at The Academy

    The Castro

    The atmosphere in the Castro District was electric; the streets were alive with the celebratory spirit of Pride Weekend. The Castro, renowned for its rich LGBTQ+ history and culture, was decorated with rainbow flags, alive with pulsating music, and the streets were flowing with people in rainbow colors (and not to mention a lot of cute Bekis!). Two men casually eating pizza on the street in the nude reminded me, “We are definitely in the Castro!” It was an eye-opening evening, reflecting the unique and exuberant spirit that the Castro brings to Pride. 

    Launch of WELCOME!

    Then there was the launch of Welcome!, a laser rainbow installation at the Ferry Building produced by Illuminate. The event was amazing with a dazzling array of colors projected across the building’s facade. Illuminate founder Ben Davis welcomed all, and State Senator Scott Wiener delivered a brief yet powerful speech that highlighted the significance of Pride and the vital role of community and inclusivity. The evening was a wonderful fusion of art, activism, and celebration, beautifully embodying the essence of the occasion.

    The Parade

    We enjoyed the most perfect weather! We gathered at the San Francisco Bay Times’ double decker bus near Market Street with Dr. Betty, Jen, Callie, Liz, Juan, and the whole glorious Bay Times contingent. Everyone was giddy with excitement as we donned our hats and outfits, passed flags around, and got ready for the ride of our lives.  

    Dykes on Bikes kicked off with a bang—and roaring engines—the most inspiring congregation of sexual inclusivity imaginable: queers, trans people, lesbians, gays and bisexuals, and everyone in between and beyond—all united by pride, sexual openness, and the sheer joy of being who we are. I knew from that moment it was going to be totally BONGGA!

    As the parade moved down Market Street, I mingled with marchers and chanted “Happy Pride!” with the crowds of spectators, all the while streaming live to SuperFriends across the globe.

    Fernando Camino with San Francisco Bay Times’ Juan R. Davila at the
    2024 Pride Parade on Sunday, June 30

    Unlike NYC, there were no traffic interruptions, ensuring a smooth four-hour procession from start to finish. Mayor Breed, looking glamorous in her shimmering silver suit, greeted everyone enthusiastically. (I think she should rock that shiny outfit every day!).

    Those who came to watch the parade were just as memorable as the marchers. One group had set up a brunch table replete with cocktails. Singing and dancing, they belted out “Dancing Queen” without hesitation at my request.

    I was also struck by the strong presence of Pinoys (Filipinos), which made me feel so at home. It is hard to adequately describe the exhilaration of this massive celebration—so many people, deliriously happy, all the beautiful smiles, the contagious euphoria, the powerful and moving sense of community.

    Of all the Pride events I have attended in my life, the one in San Francisco—the gayest city in America!—is my favorite.

    At the end, my hat, deflated and missing half of its feathers, was in shambles … but never mind! We had a job to do: to make history and show the world how proud we are.

    Thank you, San Francisco!

    “San Francisco Bay Times” correspondent Fernando Camino is the host and creator of the “SuperFriends NYC” YouTube channel.

    SuperFriends NYC
    Published on July 25, 2024