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    T-Rex: A Trans/Queer & Friends Softball Team in San Francisco

    By Tony Padia–

    T-rex is a Trans, Queer, and friends’ softball team that was created to have a safe, all-inclusive space for people with like minds and to have a connection with our community. Starting T-Rex ten years ago, I would never have imaged that we would still be around today. We have had over 60 players of all different backgrounds throughout the years. Some have moved away and some have stopped coming, but we have always been there for those who needed it at the time.

    After playing in junior college, I played with many different straight co-ed teams for a couple of years as a female before I medically transitioned. I was told many times over that there would always be a spot for me, but that was not the case. A friend of mine asked me to come play in the San Francisco Gay Softball League for a team called Horney Toads, a true gay man team; as much as they were welcoming, I did not feel like it was the right team for me.

    Friends approached me about starting a new team that would feel more inclusive. T-Rex was born, and has been going strong ever since. 

    Tony Padia is the founder of T-Rex Softball Team & Friends:

    Published on February 23, 2023