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    Take Me Home with You: Hippo

    “My name is Hippo! I am a two-year-old, male pit bull terrier who arrived at SF SPCA from Fresno, CA. I am very excitable—but in a good way!—and am learning to enjoy calm outings and interactions. I just can’t help myself and I can’t get enough of people! I love affection, treats, and playing with toys of all shapes and sizes. Foster pawrent Natalia said of me: ‘Hippo has been SUCH a chill boy here. His favorite place is the couch and his favorite activities are pets.’ If you think we might be a match, come say hello!” 

    Special offer for a special dog!

    You can foster Hippo to find out if he’s your canine soulmate! If you’d like to do a week-long foster trial period with Hippo, with the end goal of adopting him, please come check him out!

    Hippo is presented to San Francisco Bay Times readers by Dr. Jennifer Scarlett, the SF SPCA’s CEO. Our thanks also go to Paradise Osorio for helping to get the word out about lovable pets like Hippo.

    To meet Hippo in person, visit the SF SPCA Mission Campus @ 201 Alabama Street. It is open for appointments from 10 am–6 pm (Monday–Wednesday, Friday–Sunday) and 1 pm–6 pm on Thursdays.

    For more information:

    Take Me Home With You
    Published on September 7, 2023